Chapter 50

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"We can't trust him!  He has to go!" Malrick exclaimed as his harsh eyes bored into Emeric.  The young rogue was standing in front of the council, similar to the way Nedes had stood before them the previous day. 

Emeric lowered his eyes, so far things weren't looking good for him.  Most of the council agreed that he should leave, but there were others who were taking Rayhan into consideration.  They knew that he would take a toll if he lost his son once more. 

Rayhan stayed quiet while the council members discussed all the possible repercussions that Emeric could face.  He knew that they all respected him enough to do whatever he told them to do.  So if he told them that Emeric was staying, none of them would argue with him, but before he did such a thing, he wanted to hear everyone's opinions.  His hope was growing dimmer as he heard that most of the men were against Emeric staying. 

He watched Emeric through his peripheral vision, however, his son hid any emotion that he could have been feeling.  His face was an emotionless mask as he listened to what the councilmen thought of him.

"I'm with Malrick." said another councilmember.  Three others nodded agreement.  Radclyf shook his head, "No, I agree that what he did was unacceptable, but we can't let him go either.  Who knows, he might decide to turn against us completely and give the Elites all the information they need to take us down."  Rayhan looked at Radclyf in mild disbelief.  Did he really think that lowly of Emeric?  Radclyf met Rayhan's eyes.  He winked.  The meaning was all to clear.  Everything he was saying was to make sure that Emeric would stay...For Rayhan's behalf.

Malrick frowned at Radclyf, "So what are you saying?  Are we supposed to just keep him as a prisoner?" After a few seconds of silence, Hunter spoke.  "We could always just kill him.  Just like that, problem solved." His words sounded bored.  Every eye in the room turned to him in shock.  Both Rayhan and Emeric's eyes reflected total horror and disbelief.  "What?" Rayhan asked as a controlled rage came over him.  He had expected the words to be uttered at some point, but not for a second had he thought Hunter would be the one to say them.

Hunter grinned gleefully as he held up his hands in surrender, "I was just joking.  I mean come on.  Since when do we kick someone out after they make one mistake?" He ended on a more serious tone of voice.  Some of the other members nodded agreement. 

"Well, no one else who we've kicked out has ever threatened the safety of the entire settlement." Malrick added.  Once more grunts of agreement spread through the room.  "True," Hunter said, "But, has he really put us all in jeopardy, I mean, he claims to know that Nedes fellow.  If Emeric says he won't spill the word, don't you guys think we should at least give him the benefit of the doubt?"

The council members considered Hunter's words.  Although he was the youngest among the members, his insight had been valuable on many previous cases.  They listened when he spoke.

When Hunter didn't get a reply he took it as a sign to continue.  "Have any of you considered that Emeric has more experience about life in captivity than any of us?  He spent years in the Dome. Needless to say, with the escaped prisoner.  So, neither of them would risk doing something that could put them back in that predicament.  If Emeric saw Nedes as a risk of being caught again, he wouldn't have let him go.  And Nedes will also avoid being recaptured, so he wouldn't risk going anywhere near the authorities..."  The council members understood Hunter's reasoning. 

Emeric felt an immense appreciation towards his cousin.  Hunter had every reason to be as mad at Emeric as the rest of the councilmen, yet here he was, seeking every last bit of information to try and clear Emeric's name.

The members turned to Rayhan.  They had all spoken their minds, now it was up to him to make the final decision. Rayhan steepled his fingers on the table as he considered his options.  "I think he should take a timed leave." Rayhan announced.  Emeric frowned slightly at his father's words.  He wasn't sure what Rayhan meant.  The others also seemed confused.

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