Chapter 39

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Emeric's ideal escape plan would have resulted with him and Kedo exiting the cell hall silently. They would have used the shadows of the halls to hide them until they made it out of the Dome. From there they would have maneuvered through the dark alleys to leave the city, and finally they would have escaped into the forest where no one would ever find them again...

However, as Emeric had learned early in life, nothing ever went as he planned...

The second he and Kedo stepped out of their cell, the other prisoners started banging at the bars and yelled at Emeric to let them out as well. Emeric winced at the horrendous noise.

"Come on." He softly commanded Kedo as he rushed down the cell hall. It was only a matter of seconds before the guards would come. Emeric knew that they wouldn't make it of the noise wasn't quieted.

"Alright, listen up." he yelled loud enough for the other Domers to hear him. Gradually, their pleading cries died down.

When the cell hall echoed silence, Emeric hastily stated, "If you guys keep it down I'll give you the keys. But getting out of here will be up to you." The other prisoners nodded consent. With that said, Emeric tossed the keys through the bars to a Domer who happened to be Nedes.

Emeric met his gaze, "Give they keys to your neighbor when you're done." Nedes smirked, "Yeah whatever, get out of here."

Emeric didn't wait to be told twice. He silently opened the door that lead out of the cell hall. The cell keeper sat in his office, fast asleep. Emeric gave Kedo a confident smile. He could see that the young boy was stressed, yet he was evidently excited. Because for the first time in years, he was going to see the outdoors.

They moved down the hallways in utter silence. Emeric froze when he heard voices up ahead. He grabbed Kedo's arm and hastily dragged him around a corner. Kedo watched Emeric with wide eyes.

Emeric placed a finger over his lips as the guards walked past them without noticing the two Rogues. Emeric waited until he couldn't hear their footsteps anymore before he continued down the hallway. They didn't get far before a loud cry stopped his progress. It sounded like a battle cry coming from two dozen voices. The other prisoners had gotten out.

Emeric knew they were all killers and would cut down anyone who got between them and their escape. He broke into a run with Kedo on his heals. They had to get out before the other prisoners could catch up with them.

Emeric rounded a corner, but couldn't stop in time before he crashed into a guard. They both went tumbling to the floor. Emeric however, reacted faster than the sentry. With a swift strike, Emeric left the man unconscious. A second later, he and Kedo were on their way once more.

They came across a few more sentries on their way, but Emeric made swift work of them, leaving them either unconscious or worse. They were nearing the exit when Emeric sensed trouble. It was his nose that alerted him first. The hallway up ahead reeked of smoke. He continued forward with caution. As they rounded the corner, the entire hallway was alight in flames, blocking their escape. The other prisoners were planning on taking the whole Dome down.

Emeric swore under his breath and turned around. They would have to find another way out, but he feared that a war would be raging between the Domers and guards at the other exit.

Kedo followed Emeric wordlessly. He trusted him with his life and would do anything the older Etreshian told him to do.

The sound of another raging fire met Emeric's ears as they neared the next corner. Emeric peaked around and saw a room alight in flames. Darius and a few of his guards stood outside it with distressed expressions on their faces. Emeric strained his ears to catch their words.

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