Redemption Pt.3

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Authors Note~

So like uh let's get back to where we left aight? Also this has swearing so if you're not comfortable with that you can scroll till the end, you have a short recap waiting for you there :)

The doors creaked loudly, he opened it to reveal the gem. The creak of sunlight shining through the broken roof made it glimmer slightly "Jackpot!" Hidan says, he runs over to the gem but as soon as he was about to grab the gem Konan pulled him by his ear back to the door, "HEY WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled, I swear he has the exact attitude of a kid in 3rd grade. You thought.

"Can you f*cking stop acting like a 3rd grader for one second please?"

Hidan turned around and looked at you, "The f*ck did you just say?" You completely ignored his question and said "Let's just try and figure out how to make sure there isn't a trap around the gem." everyone nodded and huddled in a circle, you could barely squeeze yourself in between Konan and Sasori.

"Any ideas on how to make sure we grab that gem without harming anyone?" Pein said.

"Maybe we should make bait?" Hidan suggested.

"Good idea, anyone have any bait we could use?" Pein asked.

"Maybe we can throw one of those bricks that've fallen down from the walls?" Sasori suggested.

"Smart. Y/N get one of those bricks that've fallen and throw it near the gem, but not too close. We could break it." Pein requested.

You nodded your head and grabbed one of the fallen stones, a little bit of shiny gold dusted on your fingers. You prepared your aim and threw it. In an instant the brick had gotten sliced in half before you could even blink.

"Holy.." Hidan said.

You started getting a little bit worried, "Well, how are we gonna do this?" you ask, everyone looks around cluelessly. You look around the room, trying to see if there was anything that was causing the slicing blades to work.

You had noticed two little slices in between the bricks that were thicker than usual. Suddenly, an idea sparked into your mind, you quickly went back into the hallway, everybody's eyes following you as exited back into the hallway.

"Where the hell are you going?" Hidan asked "Not chickening out are you?" He added.

"No of course not." You said "I'm just gonna try something out." You smirked a little, and exited the room. After a while, you had come back with a brick "And what are you going to do with that?" Hidan asked.

You didn't answer. All you did was smirk and say "Everyone. Stay back." they all stepped aside and let you do whatever you were going to do. You threw the brick and watched the slices carefully. And to your guesses, the blades did come from the two slits in the wall.

"Hey Konan, do me a favor and patch that slit up with some paper." You said, she nodded and placed some paper right on the two slits, her paper was pretty powerful, could be enough to hold them back.

"Alright, if i'm fast enough i can maybe grab the jewel just in time." you told yourself, you waited for the perfect moment and when it finally came, you ran as fast as you could, grabbed the jewel, and made it out.

There was a big gash on your leg, you hissed in pain. "Y/N!" Konan rushed over "A-are you okay?" She asks "It hurts. A lot." There was a tear falling from your left eye, which signaled that you were in pain.

"It'll be okay I pro-"

Before she could get those words out a sudden rumbling came from the tower, you immediately realized the temple was falling "We need to get you out of here!" Konan said just before carrying you bridal style.

Hidan led the way as he knew this temple like the back of his hand, he gets used to the environments easily and is good at memorizing at layouts of several places, temples bla bla bla you get what I mean.

The temple rumbled even more as it kept collapsing, everything was fine until you heard something falling, you looked up and it was a boulder "KONAN WATCH O-" you heard a thump as you fell onto the ground, there you saw Konan lying there, "No! This can't be happening" You stood up slowly and wrapped her arm around your shoulder.

You hissed in pain "We'll make it out of here" you say "I p-promise." you limped over and when you finally saw the light, you sighed in relief until you felt Konan's hand slowly remove itself from your shoulder.

"Konan! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Y-Y/N. But it's for the b-best." She says "You ca-" another rock fell and had crushed both of her legs, she yelled in pain. "Awe sh*t! We have to go Y/N!" Hidan pulls you out of the temple, you reach your hand out for Konan to grab but all she does is hold it, and kiss it.

"I love you, Y/N."

Those were the last words you heard before the tower completely crumbled down.

"I- I love you too.."

Authors Note~

Recap: You found the jewel and figured out a way to cut the traps, but you got a big gash in your leg which meant you couldn't walk and Konan had to carry you, but the temple ended up falling which caused a rock to hit Konan in the head and crush her legs, she died. :(

I thought my book needed more spice so i decided to make one of them die, it was in my little pea brain of mine where i planned out everything that would happen because why not and i actually liked the idea, either way i'm super sorry if this made any of yall feel bad i genuienly apologize from the bottom of my heart cause this also lowkey hurt me as well so you're not alone. And with that

*katherine has left the chat*

word count:1016 words

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