The Morning After

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It was the day after you had lost the only person you could cry in front of, you hadn't eaten anything and had stayed in bed all day "Hey Y/N, hm." you turn around to see Deidara holding something, it took you a while to realize he was holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies with some milk on the side and a box of tissues.

"I remember that you first drooled at the sight of these so uh, I made you some, hm." you look at him and give him a warm smile "Thank you Deidara, I really need someone to be here for me right now."

"No need to thank me, hm."

You felt a little better knowing that there's still people that care about you, Deidara walked over carefully, making sure he the tray didn't fall. He put the tray on your nightstand, grabbed a stool from your desktop and sat next to your bed.

"Please eat, you haven't ate anything since yesterday, hm." He smiles, you grabbed the tray from the nightstand, grabbed a cookie and munched into it. The taste exploded into your mouth and you wanted more, Deidara watched as you ate every single cookie one by one, it seemed like you had forgotten all about Konan's death, but the truth is

you hadn't.

You grabbed the cup of milk and started chugging it "Easy tiger, hm." he said, you put the cup down and wiped your milk mustache with your sleeve, you grabbed the tissues and blew your nose, "Thank you, Deidara. I really appreciate it." Deidara rubbed the back of his neck and said "It's nothing really, hm."

"How will I ever repay you?"

"You don't need to, hm."

"But then I'll feel bad."

"Fine, maybe you can get me something from 7/11, hm."


Authors Note!<3

Sorry if I haven't posted in a while haha, I've been really busy with school and stuff and my past weeks been terrible so I apologize. Anyways I'll catch you later, see ya!

~Katherine <33

Word Count:341

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