The Next Day

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\It was the day after you and Konan hugged, you woke up to a bright light, so light it could make you blind, but fortunately, it didn't, eventually you adjusted to the brightness in your eyes and got out of bed, you yawned and got ready for the day, wondering who'd you would get paired up with today.

\It was the day after you and Konan hugged, you woke up to a bright light, so light it could make you blind, but fortunately, it didn't, eventually you adjusted to the brightness in your eyes and got out of bed, you yawned and got ready for the da...

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(Here's your outfit)

You walk into the kitchen and see all the members already eating breakfast, they all turn and look at you "Dude, you were asleep so long you missed breakfast." Hidan said, you looked at him with a tired face that said "I'm not feeling it today, leave me alone." which made him stop talking and go back to eating.

You took a seat between Konan and Itachi, you and Itachi have never really communicated, a bit of small talk but that was it. There was a lot of tension near you and Itachi, not sexual, but just tension that says I want to beat you up till you're nothing but bones, all the other members were talking and laughing with and at each other, but you were only talking to Konan.

After eating Pein decided that someone besides Konan had to wash the dishes, you pointed at Hidan, Hidan pointed at you. You were yelling at the others to point him but eventually, they (SUPRISINGLY) choose Kissame (Even he was a little bit suprised himself).

10 days with The Akatsuki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now