Buenas Noches~

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After you ate dinner you headed to your bedroom, you lived in a small apartment so you were really good at keeping enough space to walk around in (You were pretty much a minimalist) You wore your comfiest pajamas & turned off the lights only leavi...

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After you ate dinner you headed to your bedroom, you lived in a small apartment so you were really good at keeping enough space to walk around in (You were pretty much a minimalist) You wore your comfiest pajamas & turned off the lights only leaving the dim light from your fairy lights, you got in a comfortable sleeping position and closed your eyes. As soon as you were about to fall asleep you heard a knock on your door, your eyes opened as soon as you heard the knock, It was Tenten, Hinata & Sakura!

"Hey Y/N!" Sakura hugged you & you immediately hugged back "We were all bored so we came over to your house to see if you wanted to have a girls night!" TenTen seemed extremely excited and so did Sakura and Hinata, so you obviously couldn't refuse "Come right in girls!" You let all of them come in and they sat down on your couch. "So, uh what do you guys wanna do first?" Hinata asked.

The room was silent since most of them hadn't had any ideas, suddenly out of nowhere Sakura stood up and said "How about we have some shots to celebrate Y/N's first mission!" TenTen and Hinata were both very excited about just the thought of it but of course, they hadn't found out what your first mission was and you never planned on telling them, but you had to because you didn't wanna lie to your bestfriends.

"What do you think Y/N?" Sakura asked, they all turned their heads to you and waited for your response "Yea I'd love that!" Sakura squealed in excitement "I'll get the shots ready!" Sakura speed walked over to the kitchen and found a bottle of wine in your fridge, it was chill to the bone "Perfect!" She went over to the cabinets and swung each one of them open, after she found them she (of course) closed all of them and poured the wine in each of the shot bottles (I don't know much about wine since I'm a minor ;-;) She carried the tray carefully over to the coffee table and set them down.

Sakura raised a shot glass up and said "Cheers to Y/N's first mission!" "Cheers!" All of you said and drank it all, it was Hinata's first time trying wine and you could tell just by her expression. "So Y/N" TenTen said "What's your first mission?" "Tell us, tell us!" Sakura said, "Yea, I would really like to know too!" Hinata added. "Alright, alright but it's pretty dangerous for a beginner shinobi."

They all huddled around you like a bunch of baby penguins ready to get fed from their mama, "Well, it has something to do with the Akatsuki." Everyone went silent.




There was silence around the room, all you could hear was the muffled TV noises playing, it was the LIVE news. You expected this reaction from them because you knew how they were "And basically I won't be in the village for 10 whole days because I have to spend those days with the Akatsuki, I'll spend a whole day with each member but I'll be back after don't worry!" The girls still looked pretty worried.

"Well just stay safe!" Hinata looked at me and smiled, she has such an adorable smile, I've watched her use it on Naruto because she knew he would NEVER reject her with such an adorable smile like hers, "Yea just stay safe! The Akatsuki is really dangerous so just be prepared." Sakura added "I'll be fine don't worry!" You were one of the best out there destroyed all your opponents during the chunin exam, but you were still a little worried since they were the most dangerous squad.

"I'm also leaving tomorrow morning."

The girls eyes widened "Well then, let's make this night worth it!" Sakura yelled, it seemed like she was already pretty sober (somehow lmao) you all took shots until you were all drunk as hell, Hinata stopped drinking at the 2nd shot she took and took care of us all, you couldn't pronounce your words right. "HInAta YOu wANT sOmmEE?" "Um, no thank you it looks like your getting pretty tired let's get you Sakura & TenTen to bed." "aWwWW mAN" She put your arm around her shoulder, "Let's get you to bed, I'll bring Sakura & TenTen to your guest rooms.".

She leaded you to your room, you stumbled around A LOT, so Hinata decided to carry you bridal style to your room, once you got there she layed you down on your bed and tucked you in, you immediately fell asleep and the last sound you heard was Hinata walking down your hallway getting Sakura & TenTen. After that, complete silence.

10 days with The Akatsuki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now