A Day with Konan Pt.1

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You walk to the kitchen and there you see Konan, wearing a plain white apron over her akatsuki cloak, she turns around and looks at you, "Oh hey Y/N." she says, "Hi, Konan." She walks over to you and hands you a plain white apron and says "Is it possible if you could maybe help me cook? I know I'm sounding harsh but I don't want you to go through another punishment like that."

You nod your head without hesitating and wait for your instructions "Could you maybe set up the table?" "Yes ma'am." You get plates, cutlery, glasses etc and set them on the table, being very precise with how you place them, especially the cutlery. Konan was very impressed with how you set the table "Wow, I never knew that you were so good at organizing." She says.

"Thanks Konan, I've never heard anyone actually say that before." She gives you warm smile, you tend to make random assumptions about people, for example, when you first met Konan you thought she was gonna be extremely mean and judging, but she's a lot nicer than you thought she'd be.

"Well, it's time to make the food." She shows you her recipe book, millions of recipes stashed inside one medium sized book, she let you pick the recipe so you scrolled through the thousands of pages, every recipe is given with detail. Until you finally decided to choose some toast and pancakes, yes the simplest one there was in the book.

Konan looked at the recipe you chose and immediately gave you instructions and got straight to work, she had given you the job of toasting the toast for each of the members since they each liked their toast a specific way, Itachi would like his toast a little crispy, Kissame didn't like his toasted at all, and Zetsu liked one side burned and the other plain, he calls it his "Zetsu Bread".

So that's how it works, it basically took half the bread to get all of the members toast done and you had to do yours and Konan's, you placed them on the plates and got everything else ready. As soon as you finished you called all the members to have breakfast, they came in and took a seat.

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