The Meeting

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When you walked in the room you saw an orange haired man with an unholy amount of piercings talking to a girl with purple hair who had a flower on her head and a piercing right under her mouth, "Is this the girl you told me about, Hidan?" You wondered to yourself how could he tell him without ever leaving my side? You set aside the question and took a seat "Hello, My names Y/N. And yours?" "Pein." Your eyes widened a little bit, so this is the leader behind it all, the attacks, the robberies, the assault & not to mention the one that killed my parents.

"Its nice to meet you Lord Pein." You moved your head down and back up to show politeness towards the leader, "So why did you want her to join the Akatsuki again?" Pein asked Hidan "Well sir we saw her perform a very powerful jutsu and we couldn't help but look." He said "The explosion was even bigger than Deidara's." Kakuzu added, he looked pretty impressed "Well then, I guess that's enough evidence for you to join welcome, Y/N." He said "It's a pleasure Lord Pein." You turned your head to the left and saw her "Hello, I didn't quite catch your name, would you mind telling me?" She looked at you and said "Konan." You realized this was the person who decorated the entire Akatsuki hideout, "It's nice to meet you, I'm guessing you already know my name am I right?" After you asked you made a little smile, not a mean one but, it was a type of smile to let people know it's alright, you can trust me.

"That's great, we'll lead her to her room." Hidan said, "Come on Y/N you don't have all day."Hidan said, it was in a sort of mean and pissed off voice but somehow saying I'm not trying to be mean but just know that you don't have a lot of time, "After you have settled in your spending the rest of the day with someone remember??" You lifted your head up "Oh right! Thanks for the reminder dude." You followed them as they led you to your room.

10 days with The Akatsuki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now