A Day with Itachi

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-------------------------------------TW:MENTION OF BLOOD AND KILLING!!---------------------------------------

As soon as you all finished breakfast, leader Pein had called a meeting. Nobody really knew what the meeting was about but they all headed over to the room, whispers filled the air, everyone was giving their guess about what the meeting was about but you just thought it was for scheduled missions.

"Alright everyone, I've finally made up todays scheduled missions and who they'll be with." A bit of sweat dripped down you face, you were pretty scared about who'd you'd get paired up with, "Y/N will be paired with Itachi for todays mission, since you both are extremely skilled with the topic of the assignment."

You looked at Itachi, Itachi looked at you, a silence filled the room, no words were spoken, you looked at Pein and just nodded. "Your mission is to steal a very special jewel, this jewel is rumored to lead you to the jinchuriki, there are millions to trillions of guards that are making sure the jewel is safe, and you are one of the best fighters we have so that's why I'm assigning the both of you to this mission, understood?" You nodded, so did Itachi.

"You both are excused." You both walked out of the room and headed to where the crystal was, it was silent, nobody was speaking and you both didn't even dare to make small talk, there was only silence, that's it. You never had the courage to speak to Itachi, you knew that any wrong topic could end up killing you, so you never spoke.

Once you got there, you decided to talk "So who's attacking who?" You asked, there was a long pause, you started sweating thinking this might be your end "I'll take the left, you take the right." You nodded and headed in for battle.

There was explosions, bombs, flames & blood everywhere, screams of horror and sadness. You had felt like a terrible person, but you had no choice, they were extremely good but you expected that since they WERE hired by the owner of the jewel to protect it, but it was childs play for you and Itachi.

After you had finished, you both were heavily breathing, sweat dripping down on both of your faces. You looked at each other, "How long is this gonna take?" You ask him "It's gonna take all day, we may have to retreat for now, they have to many backups, but we'll camp out near the jewel for a while until we're fully energized again, they can't replace them that quick." You agree and find a nice place to camp near the jewel.

------------------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------------------------

The sun had just started to set, you and Itachi were getting prepared to give the mission another shot, you went back and the same amount of guards were still there, you both decided that one of you should distract them, and since Itachi could take more shinobi than you, he was gonna be the distraction, you were good at sneaking around anyways.

As all the other shinobi were distracted fighting Itachi, you snuck through the back and entered the building, the outside was just a large square of stone, but inside was like a royal temple, there was gold everywhere but you were extremely cautious not to touch it knowing most traps are set with gold to trick the theif.

There were tons of booby traps, every 1 or 2 minutes you ran into one "They really don't want anyone stealing this jewel huh?" You ask yourself, after wandering a bit more, you found a path. It wasn't any regular path, it looked different from the others so you (obviously) followed that path, but you were a little afraid, knowing that any move, could be your last.

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