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"Okay here's the plan. Hinata, you and Yachi will go in the workshop and look for some nails and useful bits and pieces. Me and Kageyama will go to the back and look for wood. Same goes to you Tsuki but look around and in the shed. If we don't find the right pieces, we can either try and drive to the nearest warehouse or call my parents to see if they could bring but us some on their way home. Got it? Let's go." Tadashi explained and everyone got to work.

"Hey Tadashi." Tsukishima called. "Hm?" "You know, I can help you know." He said. "What do you mean?" Questions Tadashi. "Like, I can help you with the back while Kageyama can do the shed." He uttered. Yamaguchi was still confused. "So you want me to switch you and Kags?" Tsuki nodded. "I-It's been a while since we both hung out....alone...." he quietly explained at the end. Yamaguchi sighed. "How about you and Kags look at the shed together?" Tsukishima froze, 'Me with that loser?!' "Look, you have been a piece of shit to him and I want you two to get along. Now, would you?" Yamaguchi gave his puppy eyes. "Ugh fine, but you owe me." Tsukishima answers and strolls over to Kageyama. "Oi idiot, we are looking through the shed." Kageyama gave a weird look. "Huh? I thought me and Yams were going to check he- Woah!" Kageyama was then pulled by the collar of his shirt. "Let's just go." Tsukishima said.

"Nails, nails, nails, nails," Hinata repeats while looking through drawers and jars. "Hm, do you think there's something up with Kageyama and Tadashi?" Yachi wondered. "Yea, they are acting pretty suspicious." "Like, they are very close, like lovers close." They both continued looking through things. Until, they heard a thud from the back. Shoyo slowly crept up to the object, he grabbed a near by stick for protection. He then dropped it, his breathing was hitched, his hands were shaking. "You okay Sho?" Yachi asked. "Y-Yachi, w-we need to get o-out of here." Hinata hesitated. Hitoka walked up to Hinata and saw it. Yachi screamed and ran to the house, along with Shoyo.

Tsukishima was checking inside the shed, while Kageyama looked around. "Hey Tsukishima." Kageyama yelled. The blonde walked to him, "I found some wood, they look kind of worn out." "No, they are shitty. Let's just go back and tell him." Tsuki said. "Why do you hate me?" Kageyama asked out of no where. Tsuki stopped and turned to him. "You just annoy me." He replied and walked his way to the house. "Come on dude, I didn't do anything!" He said while running up to Tsuki. "Just shut up." The blonde replied. Kageyama kept pressuring him, until Tsukishima reached his limit. "Just tell me- " I am just jealous of you alright?!" Tsukishima yelled. It went silent. "Okay?! I am jealous because you get to hang out with Tadashi every day, while I just watch. I've known him since 4th grade, and I just want him to be mine!" He was out of breath. Kageyama was speechless. "Let's just go." Tsuki concluded and walked to the house with Tobio behind.

When they arrived, they saw Hinata and Yachi were sitting on the ground shaking in fear. "What's up with you guys?" Tsukishima asked. They didn't say anything. There came Tadashi with a terrified face. He then fell on the ground, Kageyama raced over to him. "Tadashi!!" Tobio picked him up in bridal style and ran into the house and placed him on the couch. "What did you see, what happened?!" Tobio panicked a bit. Yams grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. "I-I saw....a dead body." He whispered


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