;/;The date;/;

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Today's the day. Today is date day. The lucky couples who are going to have the best time of their life are....
Hinata and Kenma
Yamaguchi and Kageyama
Yachi and her boyfriend
Tsukishima was busy so he couldn't join in, plus he didn't have a date so it kind of defeats the purpose of date day. Their plans were to go to the street fair, which was near Hinata's house. Apparently there's going to be fireworks at around midnight, which is pretty exciting. The fair is huge, according to Hinata and there's going to be a band performance also. So, you could see that everyone is excited.

9:41 am
"Where are they?" Hinata complains. Him and Kenma were waiting at the gate for the rest of the gang. Soon enough, Yachi and her boyfriend came. "Hey! Oh, I don't think you guys met my boyfriend." Yachi says, and pushed her boyfriend in the front of the two. "Uhm, hi. I'm Taiko Akiyama, it's a pleasure to meet you." He puts his hand out for a handshake. Hinata took it and shakes his hand rapidly. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" He exclaims, while kenma takes his hand away from Taiko's. "Sorry about him, he's very extroverted." Yachi whispers to him, Taiko nodded.

"Tadashi! Kageyama!!" Hinata waves with his left hand, the other holding Kenmas hand. Tadashi waved back and went to hug the two Ruby's. Hinata and Kenma were wearing matching red ruby hoodies, Shoyo was wearing light blue ripped jeans and orange converse, while Kozume had black jeans and white vans. Yachi was wearing a light blue shirt, black ripped jeans, lemon like socks and black converse. Taiko had black messy hair, black thick glasses, a bit tan, and greenish-blueish eyes. He looks kind of like a bad boy, but he is very sweet, generous, fun, extroverted and talented. He was wearing a light yellow hoodie with peaches printed on it, dark blue skinny jeans, black socks and black converse. Tadashi had a blue and white polo shirt, light brown pegged pants, cherry like socks and black boots. Lastly, Tobio was wearing a white shirt that said 'shirt' that a friend of his with green fluffy hair gave to him, black, skinny, ripped jeans, neon ankle socks and bright blue converse.

"Let's go!!" Shoyo yelled and lead the group to the entrance. They went through and began to look at each tent. There were people selling birdhouses, tie-dye clothing, delicious food and more. "Oh my god, Kenma look! It's a turtle!!" Hinata pointed out, kenma smiled from his boyfriend's cuteness. "Hey Taiko, do you want to go further into the market?" Yachi asks her beloved boyfriend. "I would love too." He replies, and the two love birds made their way towards the center of the street. "Wanna go?" Tobio asks, Tadashi nodded.

The gang had a blast, they each bought clothing, decorations, food and more. Tadashi got a peachy lemon scented candle. They were all on a hill, waiting for the firework show. "I'm going to get some food." Yamaguchi stated. "I'll come al- "no. It's fine, Yachi is gonna come." The strawberry said and dragged the blonde away into the streets. "Hey, are you okay?" Yachi asks in concern. Tadashi stops. He turns around and hugs Yachi, soon he starts crying. "Hey hey hey. What's the matter?" Hitoka hugs back at him. "I-I..." he stutters.

"Hey Hinata. Did I do something wrong?" Kageyama asks while rubbing the back of his neck. "Not that I know of." He replies. "Okay..." he mutters and looks up into the sky. Shoyo saw his sad look and sighed. "I promise you that you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe Tadashi needs to take a breather or get something off his mind." He says, patting Tobio's back. The blueberry smiled and thanked him.

The two came back with some food. They ate it while watching the fireworks go kaboom in the sky. Kageyama notices his boyfriend flinching every time the fireworks explode, he puts his arm around his shoulder but, Tadashi pushes him away.

The show finishes and everyone heads home. The two berries were sitting on the benches waiting for one of the parents to pick them up. They were on each side, in silence. 'Did I do anything wrong? Does he not love me anymore?!' So many questions were filling Kageyama's head. "Hey To-Kageyama." Yamaguchi calls.

"I think we should break up."

('Д' )

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