>\<I Just Want Everything To Go Back To Normal>\<

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Kageyama's POV:

The room was quiet. The only sounds heard was the air conditioning and- toilet flushing? "Oi, I did a massive shit so stay out of the bathroom for about 20 minutes or so." Miwa screamed, along with mum yelling at her for cursing. Soon, my dad comes in. "Hey Tobio, you doing alright? You seemed pretty down in the car. Would you like to talk about it?" He comes in sitting on my desk chair. "Have you ever had someone break up with you because they lost their love for you?" I ask. He looks at me with wide eyes, now getting the hint. "You two....?" I nod in agreement. "Ouch. Uhm, well, I don't know a lot about this dating thing, even though I'm a married man! But, you should talk to your mother or Miwa. They know way more than I do." He insists and walks out of the room.

After a bit, I hear a couple of knocks on my door. "Hey Tobi, I'm coming in." It was Miwa. She enters and closes the door behind her, then sits on my desk chair. "So, do you mind telling me what's wrong? You looked sad in the car." She starts. I keep my eyes glued on the floor, I sigh. "Before we left...Tada- Yamaguchi broke up with me...saying he doesn't love me anymore. Now, I don't know what to do." Tears start to form and fall out of my eyes. Miwa just looked at me. "I understand, I've been in your shoes before. I thought that everything would just crumble into nothing if I wasn't with them. But, a bit after that, I thought 'I don't need them! Everything will not go down like I thought it would.'" I looks up at my sister, surprised that she told him something fairly helpful. "But...he was my first. And I loved him so much, so so much. I can't just let him go! He's too precious for me Miwa." Tears continues falling. Soon, I felt two pairs of hands on my cheeks. "Listen, it will take a while. Everything is okay, like I said, I was in your shoes before. Now, how about we call it a night and talk about it tomorrow?" She asks, me replying with a nod.

As the blueberry boy stare at his ceiling in his fairly pitch black room, a bit of light coming from the street lamps. He could not stop thinking about the strawberry boy. His olive green hair, tanned skin, scattershot freckles, heavenly laugh and much more. Soon, the blue boy slowly drifts off to his dreams.

Tadashi's POV:

Everyone else was asleep. We all watched movies and ate food all night, now we're in our beds snoozing off, except me. I look out my window, staring at the bright beautiful stars. 'Why did I do that? We could've thought of a plan! We would still be together!! I'm such a terrible pers- "your thinking about him?" A voice was heard from my side, it was Tsuki's. I nodded in agreement. He sighs and scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. I put my head in his shoulder and start sobbing. He starts comforting me, by rubbing my arm and telling me everything will be okay. "You did the right thing. You will find someone better, way better." He says. 'So it was right for me to break up with him?' I thought. "He was a complete scumbag anyways." I lift up my head from his shoulder and look at him in disbelief. "Excuse me? When the hell was he ever a scumbag?!" He looks at me, covering his mouth showing that he didn't meant it to slip out. "I-I thought we were talking abo- "no! You know exactly who we are talking about. Tell me, how was he a scumbag?" I mildly yell at him for an answer. He looks away. "H-he would call me rude names a-and would hit me from time to time a- "are you fucking serious?!" I can't believe this guy. He's fucking lying to me, Tsuki would of not take it to heart. "Tell me why Kageyama is a scumbag?! Or are you going to tell me a lie again? You know what, maybe you just told me that so that I would believe you? You think I'm that gullible?!" I get up away from him, Tsuki also getting up. "Shhh Tadashi, Hinata and Yachi are still aslee- "I don't give a fuck! Tell me right fucking now, what are you hiding?!" He hesitates a bit, looking at the two to make sure they weren't awake. "T-Tadashi please calm down. I will tell yo- "I CAN'T FUCKING CALM DOWN BECAUSE MY BEST FRIEND FOR YEARS IS LYING TO ME AND HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME! I THOUGHT WE STOPPED HIDING SECRETS FROM WACH OTHER!!" This cause the two [Hinata and Yachi] to wake up straight away. "What the heck are you two arguing about?!" Yachi asks in a panic since Tsuki and I haven't had a heated argument in ages. Hinata gets in between Tsuki and I. "Tadashi look, I can't tell you. It's private and I don't want to say, especially you." He raises his voice a bit. "What, you think it's that bad that you can't tell your childhood friend of more than 3 years?! JUST TELL ME TSUKI OR I WILL DROP THIS RELATIONSHIP AND NEVER SPEAK TO YOU FOR- "I LIKE YOU!!" He spits out. This causes the room to go silent, all of us looking at Tsuki. He looks like he is on the verge of crying. I want to go over a hug him but, I feel really guilty for what I said. Tears were running down my cheeks, lips quivering, hands shaking. I race out the door, eager for air. As I made my way out of the back door, I fall onto the grass and curling myself into a ball. Everything is crumbling down.

All I wanted was everything to go back to normal...

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