The Visions Arc #1

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The Monster found himself staying among a family of synthezoids in their home. While they looked like and spoke like humans, the Monster found himself enamored by the thought of their inner workings. Likewise, the youngest member of the family was enamored by the Monster.

However, this perfect family would soon prove that there was no such thing as perfect after all.

In the worst way possible.

Year 1

Y/N: So, how does it work again?

Viv phased her hand through the wall.

Viv: It's not hard. I can separate my molecules. I tell my hand to not be a hand.

She pulled her hand back out and showed you that it was now solid. You were still impressed by all of this.

Vin: And when I pull my mold together, I am very dense. Very strong. I can throw you as far as a football field. Would you like me to throw you?

Y/N: Maybe later.

It was now day two of you staying with the Vision family. And honestly, it was still a bit strange. But at least Vin and Viv seemed to enjoy your company. And they did kinda act like actual teens. Kinda.

Viv: Wouls you like to play catch?

Vin: We have a football.

Currently, the three of you were both the back yard of the house. Vision was off at the White House doing, whatever it was he did for work, while Virginia was inside. She was just sitting on the couch. Viv had explained that she was going through her preloaded memory banks. Whatever that meant.

Y/N: Sure.

You stood up from the grass as Vin flew up towards his room.

Viv: Y/N, did you sleep well last night?

You nodded.

Y/N: Like an old man during the rain.

Viv: I am afraid I do not get that reference.

You rubbed the back of your neck.

Y/N: Well, it's like that one song. "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring"~.

Viv: I see. I must have no come across that song yet.

Right. Viv and Vin learned everything through the internet. Made sense. They were computers after all. Well, computers that had emotions and thoughts. The robot revolution is beginning and you welcomed your robotic overlords.

Vin: I have found the ball.

He threw the ball at you and you caught it. You looked at it and noticed the mascot. It was a native man with War paint.

Y/N: Is this your school's mascot?

Vin: It is the old mascot. They have redesigned the logo but they have not fully changed it on most of the merchandising.

You tossed the ball up and threw it back to Vin. He caught it with one hand and threw it to his sister. She caught it and threw it to you. That was....actually really weird. Was this what you were going to do for the next few minutes. Oh God, was this going to be the next hour?
Vision: You both appear adequate.

Monster: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now