✨Chapter 13~Jealousy is Ugly✨

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Rin struggled to move his arms. "Rin!" Shiemi called.

"Don't worry! I'll catch up with you after I defeat this thing! You guys go ahead." Rin said, and Suguro noticed another sad look from [Y/n].

"You...You're doing it again!" Suguro said. 'Rin...does he not believe in me?' [Y/n] thought and shook her head.

"Soushi, Tomoe!" An image of Shimei and Rin together popped into [Y/n]'s head, and her eyes widened a bit. The two familiars turned to [Y/n] with a dark look. "Who are you to give us orders?" Tomoe growled while Soushi got his blade ready. [Y/n] backed away a little.

"Fujiwara! The paper!" Suguro said, and [Y/n] took the Magic Circles from her pocket and threw it in the fire, making the familiars disappear.

"Shima, your K'rik!" Suguro ordered.

"Be careful with it, all right?" Shima said and threw his staff.

"The rest of you get ready to run." Suguro said and picked up a talisman. He used the K'rik to stab the talisman into place on the demon's head then did a chant.

Once the demon let go of Rin, it and Rin fell into the swamp. "K'rik!" The staff returned to Suguro.

"A-Awesome!" Rin was in awe.

"Come on! Hurry!" Suguro held his hand out for Rin.

"This is the best I can do!"


"Run!" [Y/n] jumped in the cart along with Shiemi while Rin, who was pushing the cart, and the rest of the boys ran. "Why did you just defeat that thing?!" Rin yelled.


After running for a while, the boys stopped. "I don't think it's chasing us anymore..." Konekomaru said.

"We're saved..." Shima muttered.

"Suguro, I owe you one." Rin said.

"All I did was pay back a debt. You saved my life once. You, a guy with the same ambition as me...to defeat Satan...You, who had the guts to say it out loud." Suguro said while trying to catch his breath.

"Well, hey...I'm just a moron, so I don't really think too hard about those things." Rin said with a smile.

"I don't think you're a moron. But still! Trying to fix everything by yourself - that's a bad habit of yours! Don't forget that you have friends! And a girlfriend, for Christ's sake!" Suguro said, and Rin's eyes widened a bit.

"That's your Bon! You sure have a way with words!" Shima said.

"If you're gonna defeat Satan, you probably can't do it on your own." Konekomaru said with a smile.

"I'm a wimp, but I got your bag. I mean, I know I'm totally useless when bugs are involved, but hey." Shima added.

"We're here for you, Rin." Shiemi said while a smile.

"I have to say you were completely useless this time around, Shima." Suguro said.

"Bon! Have a heart...I'm doing the best I can!" Shima whined, and everyone laughed. [Y/n] noticed Rin's sad look, and she already knew what he was thinking.

Soon, they made it back to camp. "All right! We made it back alive!" Shima cheered.

"Good work, guys. I see you got back in one piece." Shura said, and [Y/n] got out of the cart.

"What the hell? You guys already completed the mission?" Suguro questioned while the group noticed Takara and Izumo there with the lantern.

"Are you kidding? I made my familiars do it. Although Takara did get her before me." Izumo said

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