✨Chapter 3~No People Skills✨

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Shiemi was running away from a group of zombies until she tripped over her own two feet. The zombies were closing in. "Burn it up!" Rin yelled and set the group of zombies on fire with his blue flames. Rin put his sword back in its sheath.

"You save my life. Thank you so much!" Shiemi said to Rin, and he smiled proudly.

"Oh, hey, I just did what anyone else would do." Rin said.

"I knew you could do it, Rin!" Paku cheered.

"You're the one true exorcist among us all!" Izumo said.

"So cool~"  [Y/n] muttered while staring at Rin with stars in her eyes. "Well, I don't know about all of that..." Rin said.

"We weren't sure how to thank you, but..." Konekomaru said.

"Please, eat to your heart's content!" Shima said while holding a pot of Sukiyaki. Rin cheered and danced around, happily.

"Okumura! Okumura!" The teacher called. "Huh? Sukiyaki!" Rin yelled. He had been asleep throughout most of the class. "If you don't intend to pay attention, you're free to leave anytime." The teacher said.

"'S-Sorry." Rin muttered and wiped the drool from his mouth.

"Now, then..." The teacher said and continued the lesson.

[Y/n] felt like a hole was being burned in the back of her head. She turned to her left to see one of her classmates was glaring at Rin. His hair was dyed, and he had piercings with giving off a rebellious aura. He looked sort of...cool.

Then, [Y/n] noticed Rin fall asleep again. "Okumura!" The teacher yelled. 'Idiot...' [Y/n] thought.

The next class was Demonology, and Rin was still asleep. "What is the lowest-level demon related to the King of Rot, Astaroth?" The teacher asked.

"Okumura!" He yelled.

"Oh! Um...Well, I've never seen one..." Rin said while scratching the back of his head. "It's a Coal Tar! One of them is right next to you." The teacher said, and [Y/n] sighed.

Soon it came down to Anti-demon Pharmaceutics which was Yukio's class. "All right, I'm going to hand back your quizzes. Shima." Yukio called. "Yes." Shima said and got up from his chair.

"Please review the questions you missed. Be thorough." Yukio said.

"Sure thing." Shima said.

Rin noticed Shiemi's smiling face. "Why are you so sparkly?" Rin asked Shiemi while [Y/n] sat between them.

"Because I know I did well!" Shiemi said.

"Oh! Your family is pharmacists, huh?" Rin asked.

"Yes, specializing in exorcism-related products. So you could say it's my strong suit..." Shiemi explained.

"Moriyama." Yukio called.

"Y-Yes!" Shiemi answered and stood up. Turns out, Shiemi got a 41. Rin laughed. "And you said it was your shtick!" Rin said, mockingly, and [Y/n] pushed him out of the seat.

"Okumura." Yukio said, and Rin received a 2.


[Y/n] tried to cover up a laugh. Rin glared at her. "I think I have an ulcer." Yukio commented.

"Suguro." Yukio called, and Suguro stood up. "I could get a 2 even if I tried. It's because you keep fooling around with that girl. You make me sick." Bon said, and [Y/n] confusingly pointed at herself.

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