✨Chapter 19~Desire✨

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*~*~Chapter 19-Desire~*~*

[Y/n] sat outside of Rin's cell, staring at the summoning circles she had in her pajama pockets. She hasn't been able to summon Tomoe and Soushi since that night. Things were finally hitting her like a ton of bricks. Her friends not speaking to her, Rin losing control, not being able to summon her familiars, her taking over her family's temple. It was too much. Kilala jumped on [Y/n]'s shoulder and rubbed against her to make [Y/n] feel better. But, it failed.

Shura walked in front of Rin's cell with Yukio. "Have you cooled off a little? How does your body feel?" She asked, and Rin slowly sat up.

"I still feel a little wobbly...but I guess I can move." Rin said.

"You heard him." Shura said to Yukio, and Rin noticed his brother standing there.

"You say you're going to make me eat your dust, and here you are in a cell. Is this what you meant when you said you'd make my jaw hit the floor?" Yukio questioned, and Rin looked away.

"Where's [Y/n]?" Rin asked, and Shura stepped aside, so Rin could see [Y/n] curled up in a ball in front of the cell across from his. [Y/n] balled up the pieces of paper, stood up, and walked closer to Rin's cell. Rin could see the pained and worried look on [Y/n]'s face.

"[Y/n]...I'm sorry..." Rin said, quietly.

"Do you know...how hard it is for me to see you put yourself on the line like that?" [Y/n]'s voice creaked as she glared at Rin with tears in her eyes.

"The Order has labeled us a potential threat...and if either one of us is killed, there's another Blue Night on their hands. Don't you get that?! Not only as your girlfriend but as the supposed 'Savior of Assiah', it worries me to see you do things like that, knowing you don't fully have control over your flames." [Y/n] continued.

"[Y/n]..." Rin tried to reach out, but [Y/n] stepped back.

"Please, just leave me alone for a little bit." [Y/n] muttered and walked away.

[Y/n] could hear Rin calling her name, and it pained her to ignore it, but she continued to walk without looking back. [Y/n] made it to the lobby of the Kyoto field office and sat at the small table. [Y/n] sighed and rubbed her stinging eyes while Kilala jumped on the table. "[Y/n]?" [Y/n] heard and saw her father walking over to her.

"What are you doing here?" Kiro asked.

"I'm here with Shura." [Y/n] said, and Kiro sat in front of her.

"What's wrong, [Y/n]? I noticed you've been acting strange." Kiro said, and [Y/n] tensed a little.

Her expression saddened, and she showed her father the balled-up paper in her fists. "I... I promised myself that I wouldn't want to take over the temple until I felt that I was worthy of the position that Mother had." [Y/n] said as tears filled her different colored eyes. "...But look at me. I'm pathetic. I can't summon my familiars, I can't control my flames, I can't protect my friends. A demon can't be an exorcist. Let alone be a priest at a sacred temple." She continued, quietly.

Kiro stood and walked over to his daughter. He placed his hand on her head. "Do you want to know why you can't do all of those this?" Kiro questioned.

"Because I'm not strong enough?" [Y/n] asked, but Kiro shook his head. He pointed to [Y/n]'s head where her brain was. "You lack confidence...and heart." Kiro said and pointed to his daughter's chest.

"Heart and confidence?" [Y/n] repeated, and Kiro nodded.

"You believe that you're not good enough because of one mistake you made, and now, you've lost what you have desired most in your heart. The truth is, [Y/n], that the Fujiwara and Yutomaki families have been dealing with demons for generations." Kiro explained and pulled out a locket.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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