22 - Movie Three

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Annabelle Davis hummed as she docked her small boat, Elizabeth Swann standing next to her. The two were in Singapore when a man finished singing their tune.

The man had a nasty smile on his face. "A dangerous song to be singing for anyone ignorant of its meaning. Particularly two women alone."

"What makes you think they're alone?" Another asked, Hector Barbossa appeared from behind.

The man turned quickly, taken aback. "You protect them?"

Annabelle grabbed her knife and placed it against his throat. "What makes you think we need protecting?"

Barbossa softly smiled at the fire she seemed to project. "Your master's expecting us; an unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting."

Annabelle released the man, and quickly caught up with the pirate. "Have you heard anything from Will?"

"I trust young Turner to acquire the charts, and you to remember your place in the presence of Sao Feng. Pull a knife of him and I might not be able to stop your death."

Elizabeth shivered. "Is he that terrifying to the point you wouldn't be able to fight him?"

"He's much like myself of when we first met, albeit of my merciful nature and fair play."

"And you almost killed me about three times," Elizabeth huffed. "This will be a wonderful meeting."

The trio, the man from earlier leading, halted at a door. The man simply said, "Hoi," before the doors swung open for them.

Annabelle went to pass the guards, but the grabbed her. "You think because she is a woman we would not suspect her for treachery?"

"Well," Barbossa said, looking at Annabelle and Elizabeth. "When you put it that way."

The man had a hungry light in his eyes. "Remove, please."

The girls scoffed, but removed their weapons, pausing before removing even more from their boots.

However, he was not satisfied. "Remove, please."

"I would like to keep my dignity, thank you very much," Annabelle snapped before brushing past him.

"Nasty pirate," Elizabeth scoffed, following her friend.

They passed the guards and were in a room full of men in hot baths, eyes hungrily feasting on them. The girls did their best to ignore the stares, but it was uncomfortable nonetheless.

And before they knew it, Sao Feng was before them. "Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore. I understand you have a request to make of me."

"More of a proposal to put to you. I have a venture underway and happen to find myself in need of a ship and crew."

"This is an odd coincidence," Sao noted. "Because earlier this way, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncles temple and tried to make off with these." He snapped, pulling out what looked like a map. "Navigational charts to the farthest gate. Wouldn't it be amazing if this better of yours took you to the world beyond this one?"

"It would strain credulity at that." Barbossa said.

Sao motioned to his men and they pulled up a man from the hot bath. It was the one and only Will. Annabelle refrained from running towards him and Elizabeth eyed her. "This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?" Heads were shook. "Then I guess he has no further need for it." Annabelle gasped as a knife was held to his head. Elizabeth and Barbossa cringed. "So you come into my city and betray my hospitality."

"Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea..." Barbossa began.

"That he would get caught! You intend to attempt a voyage to Davy Jones Locker when I cannot help but wonder, why?"

Barbossa tossed a coin to Sao. "The song has been sung. The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court, as one of the nine pirate lords you must honor the call.

"More stream." Lever was pulled, but no steam rose. "More steam!" After a moment more steam came up. "There's a price on all of our heads, it's true. Since it seems that the only way a pirate can profit anymore is by betraying other pirates..."

"The first Brethren Court have us rule of the seas. That rule has been challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett." Barbossa stated.

"Against the East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court? What can any of us do?" Sao fired back.

"You can fight!" Annabelle yelled at him. She took a step forward and a man grabbed her shoulder. "Get off me! You are Sao Feng, pirate lord of Singapore!"

Elizabeth continued on. "Would you have an era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and get you sit here cowering in your bath water!"

"Annabelle Davis and Elizabeth Swann, there's more to you than meets the eye isn't there. And the eye does not go wanting. But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek in Davy Jones Locker?" Sao inquired at the girls.

"Jack Sparrow." Will spoke for the first time. "He's one of the pirate lords."

"The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead is so I can send him back myself!" Sao spat at him.

"Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight. He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died. So we must get him back." Barbossa explained, desperately trying.

"So you admit! You have deceived me! Weapons!" Sao yelled and his men drew their weapons.

"Sao Feng, I assure you our intentions are strictly honorable." Barbossa almost pleaded to the pirate lord. At that moment, swords burst from the floor, Elizabeth, Annabelle and Barbossa catching them.

Sao Feng placed a sword to a mans neck. "Drop your weapons or I kill the man!"

"Kill him, he's not our man." Annabelle deadpanned.

"If he's not with you, and he's not with us... who's he with?" Will questioned, right before doors slammed opened and fighting broke out.

Annabelle groaned as she slashed at a man. She snatched his sword and turned towards Will. "Will!" She yelled before tossing him a sword, he caught it and fought.

They made their way outside, where Barbossa's monkey placed a firework on the bridge, lighting it; as it launched into a shack and blew up.

"Thank you Jack!" Annabelle and Barbossa yelled to the small monkey. They ran to the docks, Elizabeth coming from one side, Will from another.

"Got the charts?" Barbossa asked as Will hugged Annabelle. Their hands laced as they stood.

"And better yet, a ship and crew." Will answered him.

"Where's Sao Feng?" Elizabeth questioned.

"He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove." Will answered yet again.

"This way." A man said to them, leading them towards the ship that was now theirs.

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