Harsh Words

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Chapter 16

(🍁A/N = Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading and supporting my work, it means the world! XOXO🍁)

(🍁A/N = Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading and supporting my work, it means the world! XOXO🍁)

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"You have no rights to be here

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"You have no rights to be here. Leave at once, or I'll make you leave for good."

A warm breeze blows against my face, slightly whirling my hair in all kind of angles while I stand there dumbstruckt.

The free soul of my sister has been locked up in a cage, thanks to our mother's hatred. She was no longer the Akito I knew and loved. Now, she's a shadow of our mother and outcome of father's constant spoon feeding.

"Are you deaf?!" Akito stomped, "Go back to the shithole you came from! No one wants you here! No one needs you!"

"She is here by my invitation." Hatori replied before I could utter a word, but it didn't seem to calm Akito's mind. In fact, it only made her angrier:

"I didn't talk to you." Akito stares daggers at him, "How low can you get? Wanting to kiss that ugly whore in public...Have you lost your damn mind, Hatori?!"

Hatori stares back with a calm expression, "My affairs is none of your concern."

Kureno snatched Akito's shoulder from behind, constraining her, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?! AGH! YOU ARE MINE! YOU BELONG TO ME!!" Akito cries out of blinded rage.

I step in front of Hatori, ready to protect him from my sister if necessary, "Open your eyes, Akito! Can't you see you're doing exactly what mother wants you to?"

Akito grits her teeth, "Shut up!" Her fists trembles in a tight grip, "You're not fit to speak of her. She LOVED ME!!!"

"If she truly loved you, then why have you become someone you're not?!" I retorted, which made Akito break free from Kureno's hands and rushed towards me with a murderous glare, "AAAAGH"

Kureno: "Akito!!!"
Hatori: "Blue!"

She launched at me. Attempting to tackle me down onto the ground and deal some real damage, but I grabbed her wrists and matched her strength perfectly. Restraining her on the spot, "Akito, stop it!"

"Grh, I'll kill you!"

"You can't kill me!" I growl, forcing her to step backwards as my strength was far beyond hers, "You have been raised like a damn puppet. Doing exactly what our parents wanted you to do. They brainwashed you to believe you're always loved, no matter how cruel you are towards other people, or the Zodiacs. But in reality, everyone hates you." I pushed her on the ground, my nose wrinkle in disgust, "Because of you, the Zodiac curse will live on to the next generation, unless you break the bond and sets everyone free. You are no god. Just the key behind the Sohma's suffering."

Akito lifted her gaze to meet mine, quivering under my cold essence. Kureno hurried over to her side, helping her up, "You okay?"

Hatori grabs my wrist and pulled me after him before I could react. Hearing Akito yell from afar: "I WILL NEVER FREE THEM!!! YOU SICK BITCH! JUST RUN AWAY LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO! I WILL DESTROY YOU! YOU HEAR ME?! DESTROY. YOU!!!"

I'm so fucked...

All I wanted was to have a decent conversation with my sister, and explain everything like a normal person. But it turned out more violent than I expected it would. How can I make her listen to reason without a cuckoo fight? To see through my point of view and get a real glimpse of the cruelty of our mother?

Maybe it's not too late to bring her back to the kind, lively girl she used to be?

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭)Where stories live. Discover now