Half Way There

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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There was an awkward silence going on in the spacious living room, until the exaggerated Tohru exclaimed, "AH!!! BLUE!! LIKE AKITO'S SISTER - BLUE?!!!"

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There was an awkward silence going on in the spacious living room, until the exaggerated Tohru exclaimed, "AH!!! BLUE!! LIKE AKITO'S SISTER - BLUE?!!!"

I glance over at that feminine startled face, similar to the painting 'scream' only cuter, and said unruffled, "You know?"

She nods and bows hysterically, "Yes!! I'm so sorry! It's a great honor to meet you, Blue-San!" I almost give an accused look toward Shigure, who has the biggest blabber mouth of us all. But he shrugs ignorantly, not having a clue who told Honda about me. Another childhood friend, or who once was - came to mind. The worst mumbo jumbo person there is:

Ayame Sohma.

Yes. The tall, thin young man with golden eyes, and shiny silver/greyish long hair. Flamboyant, almost womanly dressed. And if he is anything like I remembered from school, he is the most overconfident, sassy, self-centred and vivacious person around these parts. Also bearer of the Zodiac spirit - Snake.

Before I could jump to any conclusions, Hatori said monotonely, "I told Tohru about you a week ago. No matter how much you want to run from the curse, you're still a member of the Zodiac."

My eyes narrows at him, "I see..." then a rather cold gaze aimed at Tohru, which made her speechless. An aura of fright swarms around her innocent being. Due to my threatening glare, Kyo and Yuki stepped in front of her, "Oi, don't even think about hurting her, monstrous bitch!"

"Stay close, Honda-San."

I figured their sudden change of behaviour, is because I'm related to the head family of the Sohmas. All that crap my mother and father told me back then, was lies. It was all lies. Though, no matter how evil they were, doesn't mean I have to be. I've learned a lot about myself, humans, and life those 12 years I were gone, to know how important it is to never take anything for granted. To appreciate what you have, instead of craving for more. Begging for the moon brings people nowhere. I had to learn that. To build myself from bottom up, and realize there's always kindness in this world.

No matter how dark it may seem. It's there.

Waiting for you...

"You alright, Bubu?" The enthusiastic voice of Shigure brought me back to reality, my gaze drift to one person to the other in awkwardness. I closed my eyes and shoved my hands into the pockets of my black leather jacket, "Look after Rin for me. I should be going." I started walking to the wide open Chinese side doors, but a strong, firm hand grabbed my arm. Holding me back.

"Don't leave yet. I should check your health as well, Blue." Hatori spoke tranquil and carefully, capturing me with his bewitching eyes.

Before I got the chance to say no, Shigure cheered, "Of course! Why don't you stay over night, Bubu? We got a empty room upstairs for you to sleep in." He lifted a finger to his face and winks, "And don't you agree it would be the best for Rin too?"

I sigh in utter defeat, "Fine." Even though I didn't like the idea much, I laid down my blade and accepted the generous offer. The truth is, I don't have anywhere else to go. My original plan was to rent into a hotel for a couple of days, and travel back again. But it appears my plans didn't go exactly as I hoped.

While Hatori checked on Rin in the living room, I went outside. Sitting on the open - flat balcony, just staring at the ground. Lost in thoughts. Hearing my sister's name got me thinking how she's doing after all these years. Did my mother and father break her? Is she just as bad as our mother now? And if I encourage myself enough to meet Akito...what am I suppose to say?

The feeble wind has become the slightest stronger. Dark clouds occasionally coated the starry sky, making the night seem like a dark, and lonely place.


I turn slightly sideways, glancing over my shoulder - only to find a curious but shy Tohru in the doorway. Holding a warm cup of tea in both hands, "W..would you like a cup tea?"

As I flicker my eyes behind her, the two boys watched over her like hungry hawks. Staying on guard in case I might go nuts. I look back at Tohru, nodding curtly and held out a hand, "Sure, thank you."

"You're very welcome!" She smiles warmly and handed me the cup, less insecure for some reason, "Do you know Shigure and Hatori-San?" She asked as I sipped the refreshing raspberry tea.

"Sort of. We were often together as children, and on school." I replied, my gaze followed her every movement when she sits down next to me, "Ah, I see. It's always nice to have friends. You never feel alone, and always have someone to talk to."

"You think so?"

She nods happily, "Of course! My mother always told me, friends is a wonderful gift. They should be treasured and loved, and most of all held close to your heart. No matter how hard it gets sometimes, or how sad you might get, you can always count on your friends to be there for you."

My eyes expanded a wee bit, stealing a short gaze at Hatori and Shigure, who's busy with Rin. Gaze dropping, observing the small motions of the bright red tea. A faint reflection of the lights shimmer in the transparent coloured water.

"Your mother..." my voice trails off, receiving Tohru's full attention, "Eh?"
I lift my glance and slowly meeting hers, "...How's your mother like?"

"She was a wonderful woman! A loving mother with a kind heart!" Tohru shows a sunny smile, and I raised a brow: "Was?"

"Yes, you see...my mother died over a year ago." She says delicately. "And my father died of an illness when I was really young, so I don't remember much of him."

When she explained this with such a smile on her face, got me wondering how she could manage being so cheerful, and overwhelm by joy, instead of radiating despair.

"Then, Blue-San."


"How was your parents like?" Tohru asked curiously.

"M..my parents...!" I trailed off again, as the terrible memories of my mother broke free from its cage. The cup dropped on the balcony, and the hot tea gushed out of the cup. Spreading on the wooden floor, and made few spots on my blue shirt and black leather pants.

Tohru jumped and gasped, "AH!!" quickly getting up on my feet I stumbled forth, forcing myself to chain the memories and flashback back into its cage.


Constant wounds and injuries.

Hatred words.

A scary mother flinging sharp knives at me...possessively holding onto my rope, instead of letting go and watch me fall to my death. Like she openly wanted me to. It's been so long since I thought about this, it literally made me throw up.

Tohru high pinched voice were filled with worry, "Ah!! I'm so sorry, Blue-San!! I didn't mean to make you sick! Perhaps you are allergic to raspberries?!"

I couldn't help but tremble of the flashbacks, and screams that sounded too real to be true. I pressed my eyes shut, holding my hands around me. Two quick steps approached from behind, the next thing I knew was someone touching my shoulder. Giving me warmth and comfort, in some way.

"It'll be alright, come on. Time for your health check." Hatori remains calm and composed, but his unwavering voice had softened somehow.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭)Where stories live. Discover now