1.7 ✦ road trip?

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- Hayden -

"Please pass up your homework," my science teacher ordered and I mentally groaned, I forgot to do my homework again. "No homework again Hayden?" Mrs. Reeds frowned and I shook my head, I haven't done any of my homework this week.

I think it's because the only thing I can think about is Hanna, if she's okay and where she is. After seeing that house I've been quite uneasy with the whole situation.

The bell sounded and I shot out of my seat knowing that I would see Alyssa at lunch and I would finally be able to talk to her. She was the only one that gave me comfort about everything that is happening. We are keeping each other alive, basically.

"Hayden!" I heard the familiar voice of Tyler call behind me; I rolled my eyes before turning around with a fake smile.

"Ty!" I smiled and we slapped our hands together, a girl with too short of shorts showing up next to him. I ignored her, this happened way too often and I'll probably forget her name.

"Bro, the crew is hanging out after school today, you should come and make it up to me." Tyler smirked and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Make it up to you?" I asked him and he nodded his head, shooing away the girl.

"Yeah, all you've been doing is talking to that one chick. Alexis."

"Alyssa," I corrected him.

"Whatever, but you haven't been hanging out with anyone but her, come on. I'm trying to keep your reputation at its best but you're making it hard." Tyler sighed and started walking with me.

"Are you saying I can't talk to anyone except that little gang of 'populars'?" I put air quotes over the word populars.

"You are one of those 'populars,'" he copied and I gritted my teeth. "I just thought that because you stopped talking to that other girl, Hail-"

"Hanna." I corrected again.

"Whatever." He huffed, "because you stopped hanging out with her I thought you were coming back to us, but this Alyssa girl is holding you back. Id I were you, I'd talk to Hanna instead of Alyssa if you so badly need to talk to them. At least Hanna is cute." Tyler scoffed and my blood started to boil, I'm not one to be mean. Especially to Tyler, but I think this was an acceptation.

"There is a reason I haven't been talking to Hanna. We're still best friends-"

"No. We're best friends." Tyler sassed and I rolled my eyes, this was elementary school all over again.

"Tyler, I can have other friends!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"Then at least be friends with people who aren't losers." Tyler shook his head and left, walking straight as I stomped up the stairs.

I hated fighting with people, I know I should have stood up more for Hanna and Alyssa, but what was I going to say? Was I going to just explain my love of Hanna and Alyssa to him? No, I couldn't do that. It wasn't my reputation in jeopardy but them. They'd be harassed.

Someone's hands went over my eyes and my heart stopped. My breath stopped as well, I froze. Could it be? Hanna and I were the only ones who did this to each other.

"Guess who?" A voice that was not Hanna's asked and disappointment went through my body.

"Alyssa?" I asked, it didn't sound like her but she had seen Hanna and I do it before. She was the only other person I could think of.

"Nope!" A girlish voice squealed and spun me around; then I faced my ex-girlfriend Victoria. She had changed so much since I dated her, she was now just a toy to half the boys in school.

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