1.1 ✦ Detective Wilson

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- Hayden -

I stared out the window as I eagerly awaited the presence of Detective  Wilson to show up in the driveway. Alyssa was with me and was looking out the other window, we just waited.

I looked down at my watch to see that it was a couple minutes past twelve and banged my fist on the wall.

"Where is he?!" I yelled in frustration and backed away from the window, beginning to pace.

"Calm down," Alyssa said, still looking out the window. I started to impatiently tap my foot. "He's here," Alyssa whispered and I quickly opened the front door.

He looked somewhat old. He had black hair that stood out among his other features. He slowly got out of his car, he was taller than I had imagined, and I practically threw my hand in his face.

"I'm Hayden." I blurted out, wanting to go inside and talk. Other than shaking my hand he looked at it like I never washed it before.

"Detective Wilson." he said, walking right past me. I stood there dumbfounded for a minute before jogging back up to the door, where Alyssa was. She had a fake smile on her face and shut the door. I put a hand on apart of her back and lead the detective to one couch, while Alyssa and I sat on the one across from him.

"So what happened?" He asked. Alyssa looked at me, obviously wanting me to answer him.

"Hanna and I have been best friends for years, ever sin-" I started but he cut me off.

"I don't need your life story kid. Tell me what I came her for." He said, pushing up his glasses. I ran my hand through my hair in annoyance before speaking again.

"I took her to a party, we went out front. I told her I would be back in a minute, when I got back she was gone." I said taking another inhale, about to begin again, but he stopped me.

"So she stood you up?" He asked and anger flickered in my eyes.

"No." I told him flatly, then began again. "I went to her house and she wasn't there and neither were her parents. I checked everywhere she could possibly be and she's not there. She hasn't been to school in over a week and we think something happened to her." I explained and saw him scribble something down on his notepad.

"What about her parents?" He asked through a cough.

"They're on a trip," I informed him as he wrote that down.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He asked, setting down his notebook. Then Alyssa and I exchanged glances.

"Um..look for her?" I suggested like it was obvious and he just pushed his glasses up his nose.

"It's not that easy. She's probably at a friends house." Detective Wilson said, and I clenched my fists.

"We're her only friends." Alyssa said before I could explode on the guy. She rested a hand on my shoulder which made me instantly relax.

"I'll try as much as I can. If anyone reports her missing I'll let you know right away," he said, standing up. He put his hand out for me to shake, being as nice as possible, I shook it. "Great to meet you both." He said then walked out the door.

"Well he did completely nothing!" I yelled after he shut the door.

"Hayden calm down, he's doing the best he can." Alyssa said, trying to calm me, but all I did was shake my head.

"No! He doesn't care! He treated her as any other missing child!" I screamed. Alyssa looked at me like I didn't make any sense, but I did.

"But she is..." she said, looking at me.

"No she's not! She needs someone who actually cares for her to find her!" I yelled again.

"Hayden calm down! You don't even know where to look! You don't even know what you're doing!" Alyssa said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder again.

"I'll look everywhere! I'll put up posters! Alyssa, I'll do anything for her." I said, as I headed to the front door.

"I know you're worried, I am too. We just need to trust Detective Wilson before we do anything." She said, which boiled my blood.

"Trust him? You're kidding right? No way do I trust him with her life! He'll probably kill her if he sees her!" I yelled, knocking her hand off my shoulder.

That same anger took over me and I walked out of my own house. Alyssa was left in my house, but I have done this once before. I don't have a good temper, when something made me mad I got furious.

I don't know if I was mad or worried, I couldn't choose. I got in my car, sticking the key into the ignition, and started to drive around.

I was looking at every house as if the people inside of them were murders. After awhile I just kept driving around my neighborhood, but soon I turned into another one.

I decided to pull over to call Alyssa. I fumbled to grab my phone then dialed her number. It went to voicemail, she was probably still mad about earlier. "Hey Alyssa, it's Hayden. I just wanted to apologize for earlier. We can go down to your favorite cafe sometime, so I can make it up to you? Call or text me when you can." I said, then threw my phone onto the passenger seat.

I drove back to my house and parked my car in the driveway. I walked into my house to notice that Alyssa had left. I set my car keys onto the coffee table then sat down on the couch.

I think Hanna is going to drive me insane.


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