0.3 ✦ gone

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- Hayden -

Personally I didn't want her coming in with me for obvious reasons. Alcohol makes her woozy and I'm heading to a shot competition. Hanna nodded her perfect little head, before I made my way into the house.

I hope this gets over quickly, I didn't like the fact that Hanna was alone outside with all those perverted boys. When I got inside everyone had moved into the kitchen and I saw Christina and Tyler sitting at the counter getting the shots together. Then it began.

Christina had five empty shot glasses, while Tyler could hardly do a third.

When Tyler drank his fifth glass he fell out of his chair and everyone cheered for Christina, who just had won. I looked over at her and it looked like she was about to throw up everywhere. "Come on Ty," I said, grabbing his upper body while our friend, Josh, grabbed his legs. We carried him over to the bathroom, knowing he was going to puke any minute.

When we were in the bathroom that's the first thing he did, but his aim wasn't exactly right.

"Seriously Ty?" Josh sighed, and pealed Tyler's spoiled shirt off. Then he pushed him in the shower, not evening caring that we were in someone else's house.

"I'm tired." Tyler said, as he leaned his head on the tiled floor, throwing up. Again.

"Tyler control yourself man!" I yelled and held him up. Then Josh threw him into the shower, his pants still on. By the time he was done it smelled as if ten dead bodies were in there. I had to get out. Josh and I carried Tyler to the front yard, where then he fell unconscious.

I looked around for Hanna, expecting her to be around this area. She wasn't here. I whipped my head around everywhere and she was nowhere in sight. Down the street, the back yard, my car. Nowhere. I left Josh with Tyler and bolted into the house.

"Hanna?!" I scream, call me overprotective but I was terrified that she was being raped by some random drunk. I ran around out back, looked in the pool, and anywhere she could be. I ran upstairs, figuring if she were to be getting raped it would be up here.

"Hanna!" I scream, opening the door on a couple that was about to go onto the next step. "Umm..sorry." I said, and slammed the door awkwardly going to the next door. I was scared on what I could see.

After I looked through all the bedrooms, not walking in on anymore couples, there was still no Hanna. I jogged down the steps, into the kitchen. Not here. I sprinted to the front yard again.

"Hanna Myers!" I screamed, but she didn't answer, then I started to think about it. What if she left because I left her? I'm such a freaking jerk! I shouldn't have left her like that.

"Dude, need some help?" Josh asked, from behind me.

"I- I gotta go." I told him and sprinted to my car, not caring that he was calling my name.

I knew where Hanna lived, I've been over to her house millions of times, and that's where she would be. I zoomed there, and her parents cars weren't in the driveway, still. I got out of the car and slammed my fist on the door. No answer. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Like Hanna left it.

Did she even reach home? I started to panic and I pulled out my phone to call her. Straight to voicemail. Maybe she went to visit Alyssa? I need to try everything at this point, I feel so guilty. If she wasn't with Alyssa then she was missing. Where could she if gone?

I dialed Alyssa's number and she answered on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" She croaked, I could tell she was sick.

"Oh my Gosh. Alyssa are you okay?" I asked with concern in my voice, forgetting about Hanna for a second.

"Not really, but I'm alive right?" She said through a chuckle, I smiled that she still had her humor with her.

"I just wanted to ask if Hanna is there?" I asked, hoping she was there.

"Nope. why?" She said, and a clenched my fists.

"No reason. But I gotta go. Bye." I called into the phone, before hanging up. I threw my phone into my pocket with frustration.

Where is she.


757 words.

luke comes in the next chapter!

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