1.9 ✦ hayden?

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- Luke -

I waited in the car until a little after the bell rang; hoping Hanna was already done in there. I got out of the car and locked it then slowly walked to the school, fear ripping through me.

When I walked inside I instantly felt intimidated with the huge pillars and empty floor. I think I would have puked if I came during passing period.

I really wanted Hanna beside me so I could hold her hand and feel her warm smile comfort me but it couldn't be that way because of stupid Andrew. Everything that was happening rounded right back to him which made me beyond furious.

I walked around the school until I found a little area with with a sign saying 'OFFICE' on it. I started to walk towards it when I saw two figures through the glass doors, one of them was definitely Hanna.

I hid behind one of the sections of lockers, but still looking through the doors. Who was she with? There was no way she could already made a friend. She probably planned this from the start, that's probably Hayden. Some way she called him and now she's just playing it out then she'll leave me.

Anger, sadness, and betrayal raked at my body as I waited for them to come out of the office. When they did I took a good look at Hayden and I could understand why Hanna would like him.

He was a good looker, basically everything to she described to me about him. Much better looking than me, nicer smile and nicer eyes. Jealously hit me like a ton of bricks, but I pushed it away so I could listen to them.

"Let me see yours." I heard Hayden say and I craned my head further to see him looking at two papers in his hands, probably schedules. This was very well planned out; Hayden was even enrolling in the school to get her away from me. "I think coming in at the same time helped." Hayden laughed and the star struck look on Hanna's face made me sick.

"We have seven out of nine classes together, not to bad." He chuckled and I cringed knowing all of this.

"Awesome!" Hanna's high-pitched voice cheered.

"Well I have study hall first and you have science first so I'll see you next period." Hayden smiled; they were probably going to flee next period.

"See ya!" Hanna waved and watched Hayden walk up the stairs before looking at her own schedule. On impulse I stomped up behind her, covered her mouth and opened a random door, praying it was a closet.

I threw her inside and locked the door behind me. Hanna backed herself into the wall and shut her eyes, crinkling the paper in her hands.

"Get away Andrew!" She screamed, tears already rolling down her cheeks. I let my guard down, immediately feeling guilty. Doing something like that was scaring her.

"I'm not Andrew." I said softly and flicked on the lights. "I didn't mean to scare you." I bit my lip and she slowly opened her eyes and wiped the tears away.

"Jerk! You scared me! What the hell?!" She screamed and I tried to remember the reason I acted so harsh in the first place.

"Who was that guy?" I asked her and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's what this is about?! Ryan?! You're practically jealous!" Hanna yelled while slapping me, I brought my hand to my cheek and gritted my teeth.

"I'm not jealous Hanna!" I exclaimed loudly and she cowered. "I know that's Hayden! Even making up terrible code names like Ryan? That makes me sick." I retorted and her mouth dropped open.

"Hayden? Hayden from Las Vegas? My Hayden?" She asked and my heart sank and she explained him as hers. "That is no way Hayden!" She screamed in horror.

"Sure! Then how did you two act like you were best friends after ten minutes of bring here?" I grew angry and she dropped the paper to the floor.

"It's been an hour, Luke! Don't you remember how we became 'friends?' We knew each other for like a day and became each other's life line!" Hanna scoffed, she was right sadly. Hanna was just that type of person you could become friends with easily, if you talked to her first.

"So that isn't Hayden?" I asked a bit regretful of my assumption, maybe it was jealousy that made me think that way.

"No! That's Ryan Law, some new kid that helped me find the office!" Hanna fumed and I started to play with my lip ring.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized and it seemed as if we couldn't play nice with each other for more than five minutes.

"Sorry isn't going to take back to immense fear I just felt!" She stomped out of the closet after picking up her paper then slamming the door behind her.

I face palmed about twenty times before walking out of the closet and into the office, feeling completely stupid.

"What can I do for you?" A lady at the front desk asked.

"Can I enroll?" I asked her and she nodded her head, but took a double-take.

"Do I know you?" She asked and I blinked a couple times before shaking my head furiously then hiding my face. "Name?" She asked suspiciously.

"James Fairchild." I said quickly, maybe she had Andrew and I's faces confused. Andrew was wanted and all around the news, I should have rethought this.

"Age ?" she asked.

"Seventeen." I lied and she began to ask me some more questions before handing me a paper.

I walked out and looked at it, hoping I would have science first and maybe get lucky with Hanna, even though she wouldn't want to see me, but I had study hall first. That could be easy. I just sit there right?

I walked to the division then made my way in front of a door.

Mrs. Reed

Room 161

That was the class that matched my schedule so I slowly opened the door, fear engulfing me as a classroom of people about my age stared up at me.

"Yes?" What I think was Mrs. Reed asked and I took an unnoticeable breath.

"I'm James Fairchild." I explained and she took the schedule out of my hands to look at it.

"Another one? So many new students today." Mrs. Reed smiled and patted me on the back. "Why don't you take a seat next to Mr. Law, he's new here as well." She smiled and pointed to a kid hunched over, staring at a notebook.

At the sound of his last name he looked up and smiled, but it was impossible to return it when Ryan was the one smiling.


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