0.8 ✧ 911

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- Hayden -

It has been a week that Hanna hasn't shown to school. I've been showing up at her house everyday, her parents still aren't home. I called them one day, hoping Hanna was with them, but all they did was say they were on a business trip. They didn't even mention Hanna.

I didn't tell them about their kid because I didn't want them to worry. Alyssa and I do enough of that. It was friday and I was heading over to Alyssa's to talk about everything.

I walked up to her door, knocking casually. She opened the door slowly, letting me in. I set my book bag by the door and followed her up to her room, being quiet because her baby sister Hailey was sleeping.

Once we were in her room I shut the door, and Alyssa collapsing onto her bed.

"Where is she? I've called her so many times that her phone calls explode," she groaned, closing her eyes.

"Same here. I even tried calling her parents." I said, and she sat up with hope shinning through her eyes. "They're on business, and Hanna isn't with them." I told her, and she fell back onto her bed.

"Where could she have gone!" Alyssa yelled, I shrugged. I was starting to miss her so much it hurt. She's going to get kicked out of school after a number of days, it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth.

"We need to take this into our own hands," I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"What are you doing?" Alyssa asked, raising an eyebrow.

I put my phone on speaker. "911 what's your emergency?" A female operator called through the phone, and Alyssa looked at as if I was insane.

"I would like to report a missing person," I said into the phone with no hesitation. This was the only thing we could do now.


"Hanna Marie Myers." Alyssa spoke for me, I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"What happened?" The woman asked calmly.

"She was at a party one night and never came home. She's not at her house, or with anyone close to her." I said, hearing typing on the other end.

"Would you like for detective Tyler to come in?" She asked, and I looked at Alyssa. She shrugged, biting her lip.

"Yes please. My address is 6168 South Bridgewood Drive."

"He'll be over at noon," she said before I ended the call.

"You think she's actually missing?" Alyssa asked me, tears forming in her eyes.

"I think so." I said pulling her into a hug.

"I miss my best friend." She cried into my chest.

"I do too. I know she's out there somewhere." I said, giving Alyssa hope. "She's one of the strongest girls we know."

I missed Hanna. Her brown hair, her beautiful brown eyes, everything. I wish I could of told her my real feelings for her before she was gone. For some reason I was always a jerk to her, when she really meant everything to me.

I looked down at Alyssa before kissing her head. "I'm gonna go now. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Right." She smiled before letting go of my torso.

I smiled at her before I made my way to my car. I need to find Hanna.


583 words.

i had a nice chapter almost done but wattpad decided to delete it, so this is what i just put together quickly.

please vote & comment!


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