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Yeah I was ready to faint. The floor below us was buzzing with people. I could only see a bit through the crack in the heavy curtains, but I could sense the amount of people here. A lot of different smells, so many. Including blood. I picked nervously at my dress. 

"Rae relax," Adrians growl did nothing me make me more nervous. He pulled me away from the curtains as me pushed my hands away from my dress. We were at the top of the grand staircase behind the curtains. After enough people had arrived Adrian would be announced. We would defend the staircase and the real party would commence. I really did not want to walk down the steps with so many pairs of eyes starting at me...me and my ears and tail. It wasn't a full shift, but it wasn't something common to see. I whimpered in response. 

Adrian pulled me against him as he continued to pet the top of my head. I relaxed slightly. There soon was the sound of a harp and the buzzing of the crowd went silent. The announcer was saying things. Adrian pulled me slightly behind him. I looked to the side and saw Clove waving at me in the corner. She was to stay at the top of the staircase where...if I was ever dismissed was to go to straight to her. 

I took in a deep breath and my ears flattened as the curtains parted. The bright lights blinded me for a second making me blink. I kept my eyes on the floor as Adrian spoke, but his words sounded different. He took a step forward and I did as too as we descended the stairs. I wish I was holding onto something. Halfway down I took in the room in a second. Many bright shining eyes were on me and my hair stood on edge. I tried to flatten my ears as much as possible and pulled my tail tightly against the outline of the dress. 

It was so silent I am sure everyone could hear how fast my heart was beating. At this moment I wished I was a vampire so no one could sense just how nervous I was. 

The moment our feet were on the ground the music started up again and people started to move around. Adrian instructed me to not touch him or look at him. So all I could do was keep my eyes trained on people feet. Each conversation was pretty short. Just introductions until. 

"Our King!" the shrill voice of a woman cut through my thoughts like a knife. I couldn't stop but look up at the tall woman in front of us. She had skin the color of chocolate and piercing yellow eyes. Her black hair poofed around her in beautiful curls. I hadn't seen a vampire who looked liked her before and I was a bit in awe. Her eyes met mine and I instantly felt heat rise to my cheeks. I felt a jerk on my neck.

"Clara! So glad to see you are doing well. Sorry for my pets rudeness," Adrian says as they embrace and kiss cheeks. Clara leaned down lifting my face so that our eyes would meet again. 

"Ah my King I take no offense. I know its hard to take your eyes off something beautiful," she purred as she kept her gaze on me. I finally broke my eyes away looking to the side. She chuckled and pet my head. Her fingers lingered over my ears. It was always hard to concentrate when someone touched my ears. "You do know how angry this is going to make the Dire family right?"

"Yes," Adrian chuckled and Clara joined in. 

"Poor mutts," she cackled. I realized in that moment what was going on. I was a pawn. A show of power over the werewolves. Fear gripped my heart. Nothing good was going to come from this. She moved to side and pushed forward two young men. From the smell of it one was human and the other werewolf. "These are my pets. Say high," she purred.

"King," they said bowing. It wasn't that odd being others in chains. To the wall left of us where probably a dozen people naked, they were blood bags. I am sure where were more waiting in the back . Awaiting their death. I knew what that fear felt like and I felt sorry for them...But maybe they were better off than me. My death was sure to be something slow and agonizing. 

The Vampires PetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora