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A girl with long red hair had appeared out of nowhere once the vampires left.

"My name is Adele," she turned her gaze towards my father, "You have been living a cowardly life Alpha. You will be punished for it."

I growled at her stepping in front of my father, my gaze focused on this young girl. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I turned to see tears streaming down my face.

"Kneel Lucas," he said as he got down bowing to the girl. I slowly got to my knees as I looked back at the girl. She was looking at us with emotionless blue eyes.

"Red Witch, daughter of Umbra, niece of Dae. You are right, I have been a coward. I am weak. I don't deserve the title of Alpha, may Dae punish me as sees fit," my fathers voice was low as he spoke. I suddenly heard a sharp cry as my mother came to bow next to him.

"Red Witch, please grant us mercy. The vampires had gotten too strong our numbers dwelled. We...we were scared without our Dae, we-" the girl raised her hand cutting my mother off.

"You both are stripped of your titles. Lucas will be Alpha. You may be able to find redemption if you battle with us now," the girls voice echoed in the lobby. Soon shadows started forming around her turning into a group of more women dressed in black. "Tomorrow is the fated day of our Queen Dae. We must help Dae to break the cycle tonight. Wolves, creation of Dae's kindness and love, will you aid us?"

This time her eyes landed on me. Her steal blue eyes staring deep into mine. "We will save Rae."

In a matter of hours we had gathered our warriors along with the witches. Our mind link made it much more easier to communicate and get things done. For the first time in years we all took the shape of wolves, breaking one of the vampires laws. The witches granted us protection and teleported us to the vampires castle.

There to meet us were rows of vampires. Awaiting us. My father and mother led the warriors. The sounds of roars and growls started to fill the air as vampire and werewolves clashed. Witches threw down bombs over the castle, raining down little specks of light that burned the vampires skin. However, I was taking a different route. With a few other of my warriors were fought our way into the castle my nose twitching looking for Rae. A witch accompanied us, using her magic to shift through walls.

I never knew witches were this powerful...or that there were even this many of them. I knew Granny was a witch, but all I thought she did was heal and can see visions.

There was little time to explain the whole situation to me. My father had mind-linked all his information to me as well as passing his title to me. I now had amassed knowledge that would have taken me years to understand.

Our true creation story. The story of Dae, maker of werewolves, Witch of Creation. The book my little sister had read over and over had all been true. True...and all about Rae. That's why every single wolf was willing to lay down and die for Rae. Since I knew the truth, my intense feelings radiated with everyone in our pack. Those who had been lucky enough to lay eyes on Rae knew she was something more to us. For she was our Goddess.

Then there she was. I quickly shifted back as I looked at her small figure. I easily broke through the bars and her chains. Coming to her aid. She seemed weak. But I smiled widely holding her and explaining.

I had her now. She was safe. All I needed to do was get her out. When we got back to the ground level, the castle was now a disaster. Walls had crumbled to the ground, the fighting spreading to inside. I looked around as vampire eyes started to set on us.

Then I saw him. Adrian. The vampire who caused everyone so much pain, who caused her pain.

"Please run Rae!" I yelled and shifted. I pounced at him. I swiped his stomach and he barley flinched. He grabbed my scruff flinging me to the side. But I got up jumping on his back pushing him down. We tussled on the ground his talons slicing into my skin as I tried to bite into his neck. With a startling crack he broke my leg flinging me away from him.

My adrenaline had kicked up a notch as I stood back up. I was crazed. I just wanted to kill him. To end this. Then I felt my sides being flanked and the family smell of my parents filled my senses calming me down.

"Look son," my father said. He pointed to the small ball of light on the floor. I blinked starting to realize it was Rae she had not moved. Slowly the noise and fight began to stop as the light around her kept on growing. I felt a sense of calm and warmth throughout myself. Images of my family, my sister, play fighting when I was young. The happiest of my memories began to play in my head.

Then she stood up, her eyes were a pale blue, almost white. Her horn powered a pale yellow, the tip of it looking deadly sharp. Her hair flowered around her like a cape, the waves endless moving and flowing to the vibrations of her light. Her tattered dress melted away, a mass of light comping together wrapping her in long shimmery dress. Large white wings bursted from her back sending a breeze through the room.

There was an eerily dangerous feeling about her, she was something that should have died naturally a long time ago. A magic so raw and rae. Everyone was in a trance, except for Adrian. He growled and snarled at her. Lunging like some senseless beast. With a motion of her wings a serious gust went through the room. Adrian was thrown back. 

I wanted to go to her side. To help her. But my parents kept me still. Then bright oranges and pinks started to filter in through the windows and the torn down walls. Snow slowly sprinkled in.  Black lines started to form around the wrists and neck. 

She was getting her mate marks. Today was the fated day. 

But there was no look of hatred or anger towards Adrian. Instead she started at him with warm eyes and a smile. She held her arms out to him. 

Adrian ran at her again. This time she tilted her head back letting him take her down. I start to roar as I fought off my parents wanting to run to her. His black wings wrapped around her in a barrier. Hiding her from us as he drained her. 

I finally threw my dad off as I leaped toward Adrian. In the side of my eye I saw the white haired vampire race towards me, holding a spear in is hand aimed at me. 

I stared ready for impact only for a grey and brown wolf to come in front of me. Blocking the spear. On impact my father shifted back into a human. The spear lodged in his chest. My mother had leaped forward ripping the vampires head clean off its shoulder as she savagely tore its body apart.  More white haired vampires came forward my mom standing her ground bareing her teeth. 

"Please keep your sisters safe," my father said as he reached up to touch my snout, "I am sorry I failed you and our pack. I am leaving you with a lot of clean up work. Forgive me." He said as he blood pooled around him. My body felt ridged as I looked back up at the vampires. 

But my mother was now behind the Red Witch named Adele. She stood in front of the vampires glaring at them. They lunged at her but with just raising her hand they stooped. 

"You dare attack me? Have your greed blinded of the the very reason I made each one of you?" Adele voice sounded menacing, "I am Adele. Daughter of Umbra, Witch of Night, Creator of vampires. You will pay the price my mother faced."

I watched as the group of vampires started screaming in pain. Their faces started to age, wrinkles  forming, then their eyes hollowing out until they skin began to wither away. Until they were just piles of dust on the floor. 

I turned as I heard a sorrowful cry, a cry that made my heart cave in. Adrian's features had returned to normal, tears streaming down his face as he held on tightly to a limp Rae. There was no more light around her. Her eyes were closed, her skin was almost grey.  She was no longer wearing a dress made of light, the tattered one which she had had. 

She had a mate mark around her neck, one that matched Adrians. 

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