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Master Adrien POV
I pull back and sigh as I lick my lips. Her blood tasted amazing, it was the perfect about of sweetness and savor. I look down at her now extremely pale skin and her eyes we closed. I picked up her hand but it was limp. I lean back down and bite my Tongue and press a few drops of blood against the holes in her neck. They immediately healed up. Her heart beat was faint and I knew it would take her a few days to recover fully.
I get up and take a shower. I only put on sleeping pants. I lay down next to her in bed and she groans a bit. I see her beautiful blue eyes flutter open then stays closed. I wrap my arm around her waist and pulls her close to me. I moan as I feel the warmth of her body against mine. I look down at her beautiful body, she is small and more on the skinnier side. But I knew with a good meal plan her curves would fill out perfectly. I slowly run my fingers through her soft blonde hair. It felt just like her soft fur. I had to admit I loved the way she looked as a dog or wolf. She really did look more dog like, I can only imagine how she must have been outcasted and dispised. I wonder if that's what put her into the slave trade. I groan as her warm lavender sent radiates off of her. Such a beautiful smell. I don't know why I felt so drawn to this little mutt but I was very excited to have a pet to train and make mine. I let my hand travel down her bare body from her chin all the way down to her sweet pussy. I wanted to touch her, to make her all mine. I feel my eyes turning red and I grunt as I stop myself. I grab her hips roughly and I hear her whimper. I hear a knock at the door and I look up confused at who would come here at this hour.

"Hey Adrien it's Nate."
"Come in"
Nate walks through the door. Yeah, he is an arrogant bastard but hell he was a great friend. He looks over Rae curiously.
"She isn't dead?"
"No, I did drink a lot from her. She tasted amazing."
"I am surprised the most ruthless vampire king has a sweet spot for a mutt" Nate chuckles and mocks me. He sits on the bed and his face gets serious. "You are almost 27 and you still haven't found your mate yet. The kingdom is getting restless that they don't have a queen."
I sit up a bit on the bed "I know, but it's not like I can make her appear out of know where. No one else reported getting their markings when I did." I sigh.
The only explanation for not finding a mate could be the cause of a few things, my mate is sick or lost, or dead. The worst possible thing could be that my mate isn't a vampire and is a werewolf and they haven't come of age. For vampires the soulmate markings aren't that important. We can even hide our markings so to hide that we 'belong' to someone.
"Adrien have you even looked into the prophecy yet? You know gran told you to. Just think about it, your markings was a horrible and painful experience and you haven't find your mate yet. Which leaves it to the possibility it's a werewolf and not another vampire. What will the kingdom think of a king mated to a stupid dog?"
Nate starts to rant on. He cared a lot about appearances. I look down at Rae who is sleeping peacefully.
"Nate shut up," I say sternly, "I don't give a crap about the stupid myth. If my mate is a werewolf I will just kill her and pick one of the many female vampires that would love to become my wife."
I hear Nate huff but I signal him to leave and he does. I pet Rae's soft hair. For wolves finding your mate is a big part of their lives and tradition. They can't hide their markings and it's a sign of power and pride when a wolf find its mate. They have ceremonies and celebration. I wondered if Rae has ever been to a marking celebration. I've been invited by some of the privileged werewolves and it is lovely. But mates or just an attachment and weak. I look at Rae's body which didn't have any markings. She looked about 18 so I assumed she would be getting them soon.
I look up at the ceiling. Vampires didn't really sleep but we rested. I close my eyes and drift off into my thoughts.
Later that night I hear screaming. I sit up to realize it's coming from Rae right next to me. Her body arches lifting the sheets I had pulled over us. I groan agitated and I can feel my eyes turning red.  She lets out another scream and I realize she is in pain. Beads of sweat form over her forehead and her hair is damp. I sit up and shake her shoulders.
"Rae! Rae wake up!"
She screams again then her eyes fly open. She looks at me and her her face pales and her eyes dull. She back always and falls off the bed. I hear her groan and I lean over to look down at her. She stares back at me with frightened eyes.
"Please, please no more. I can't do this anymore," she whimpers and I tilt my head confused.
"Rae what the hell are you talking about?" I say annoyed. She blinks and then looks around confused. She looks down at her body and frowns. Her body stops trembling and she looks back at me. My eyes and returned to the normal golden color as I relax.
"M-master Adrien?"
"What the hell where you dreaming about?"
She sits up and thinks for a moment. She suddenly lowers her self to the floor and looks down ashamed. A classic submissive wolf pose.
"I-I am sorry I have nightmares. I didn't mean to wake you. This one just felt so real."
I see her shudder and I motion for her to get back on the bed. She slowly crawls back up and has a concerned look on her face as I put the cover back over us. Her arms go to cover her chest and she presses her legs together. I chuckle to myself glad that I made her uncomfortable.
"What did you have a nightmare about?" I ask out of Boredom and curiosity.
"I-I don't really know. I've been having the same nightmare ever since I was 9. I'm locked up in a cage and every time is different. The era, the pain, the way I'm chained up," her voice starts to quiver, "then I start to get my mate markings...and, and it's so painful. I get them on my neck, wrist and ankles. Like my mate is wanting to chain me down with my own markings. And then I see these evil red eyes. And it stops" she finishes and her eyes are watering. Her body started to tremble again.

But that's not what I really noticed. Her words rang in my head painful. Neck, wrist, ankles. I shake my head. Maybe she is prophetic.

"That's a stupid nightmare," I say wanting to rest again, "go back to sleep you need to rest anyway. I drank a lot of your blood. I'm surprised you could even dream."
I see a hurt look in her eyes but I don't really care. She lays back down and turns so she isn't facing me. I smirk and wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. She whines and struggles a bit.
"Stop thAt and go back to sleep," I growl in her ear. She tenses up and shuts her eyes. I groan and wait until her breathing evens out and I know she is asleep. I close my eyes and finish resting.

I wake up once again. I sigh as I look at the window. The sunlight was pouring into the dark room. The light bounced off the freshly fallen snow. I wanted to go outside for a run. I sit up and stretch. I was no longer sleeping on Adriens bed. He had slaves come in a set up a chain and large pillow for me to sleep on next to his bed. I tug on the collar and chain around my neck and sigh. It is thick and metal, I didn't like it. I have been pretty weak since he drank from me, and he hasn't really talked to me after I told him about my nightmare. I start whining and howling. I needed to use the bathroom and go for a walk. The stupid idiot didn't even make my chain long enough to go to the bathroom.
"Shut that horrid noise," I hear from behind me. I jump up startled and see Adrien behind me. I crouch down and look away. He has been saying a lot of insulting things lately. He even told me I smelled like a dead rat yesterday. I've been resting for four days now.
"I-I need to use the bathroom," I say softly. He rolls his eyes and unhooks my chain from the bed. I quickly get up and go to the bathroom. I release myself and come back out after I straighten out my hair and washed my face.
When I come back out he is sitting on the bed.
"I see you are better. It is time to start training and I will give you rules," he says this as if he had tons of things better to do. Like I was a waste of his time.
Daisy internally whimpered and I had wondered why she thought he would be kind to us. I felt like she was hiding something but I didn't really mind.
"Can we go for a walk first? Outside? Please?"
"No, your are my pet. We do what I want when I want to do it. Rule 1, I am your Master and whatever I say is to be done accordingly. Any disobedience will not be tolerate and you will be punished."
"How will I be punished?" I chimed in. His eyes flashed red and I shrink back. I slowly move into a corner and crouch down. I tremble slightly.
"Stop interrupting," he growls then his eyes go back to normal, "rule 2, don't talk unless spoken to. And that goes for everyone including humans." He smirked as he said this and I realized he was degrading me. "Rule 3, you will not were clothing unless I say so. Rule 4, you will shift at my command. Rule 5, just be a good little mutt." He says with a smirk. I frown. He point to the ground in front of him. "Here."
I sigh and slowly inch over to him.
"Can I ask a question?" I whisper. He quickly slaps my cheek, not hard, but it surprised me. I look up confused.
"Do not talk unless spoken too."
"But What if I have questions?"
"Will to bad now shut up!" He growls and his eyes flash again. I whine and look down.
"Now shift and I will show you around my castle. You are to stay at my side at all times unless I tell you other wise." I nod my head and start to shift. I shake myself and sigh in relief once I'm finished. I realized the metal collar is still on me and Adrien attacked the chain and starts tugging on it. I follow closely next to him. I keep my head low and my tip between my legs. We walk to the kitchen and sits down at the table.
"Sit," he says and points next to him. I go over and sit. A human woman comes out and brings him raw steak and a glass of, I sniff, blood.  
"Being the dog some salmon and vegetables," Adrien says. The woman nods and soon returns with two dog bowls. One had water there other had food. My tail wags as I smell the food. I go to dig in but Adrien quickly grabs my muzzle. I yelp and try to break free but he holds on tight keeping my mouth closed.
"Do not eat untill I tell you too," he says glaring down at me. I nod my head and he lets me go. I look at my food impatiently as Adrien starts to eat. I look up at him and he is looking at me carefully.
"You May eat."
I quickly dig in happy to have good food in my belly. I soon finish and Adrien is also done. The woman comes and removes the dishes.
He stands up and starts walking pulling me with him. He points out hallways and room. The living room and 'vampire lobby' or whatever. It was all very confusing and big. We finally reach two huge double doors. He pushes it open and I realize it's a huge office. Books lined the walls and the desk was covered in papers. He sits down  and points to the side of the desk where a large white pillow is.
"You will lay there while I do my work," he says. I sigh as I sit and he looks at a big bright box and rustles the papers. He is very attractive for a vampire. I yawn and decide to take a nap.

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