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I watched as tears ran down his face. His eyes were an oddly normal cocoa color. His wings hanged limp behind him...he looked so innocent so fragile. 

I might have taken on the pain from removing the spells he had been under....but I couldn't stop the guilt he felt. He felt that and shame. He felt weak. His emotions were as clear as my own. All his barriers were down. I took a step towards him and his eyes shot up to meet mine. He took a step away. 

"I...I've ruined so many lives...I...I have no excuse...for how I have treated you..." he started to mumble on. I could see his features get graver as he focused on all the bad he had done. 

I reached towards him putting my hand on his cheek. I smiled up at him pushing his hair away from his face. I pushed by feelings, wrapping him in the warmth I felt. 

Our battle was over. We could finally be together. No longer forced into a brutal fate. I let my fingers trail down to his neck were his mark was clearly visible. 

"We both have no excuse. I have failed my people as much as you have yours. We both have a lot of work to do, don't you think?" I asked softly.

His eyes widened as a spark of hope woke in him. I wrapped my arms around him breathing in his scent. 

"I love you Rae," he whispered pulling me tightly against him.

"I love you too Adrian," I whispered.

Our wings mingled together creating a clash of white and black feathers. 

Two free souls. 



Thank you so much to everyone who sticked with me. Thank you for the support, comments, likes, additions to reading lists. Thank you for all of it. 

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