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I spent some time with the witches. Learning their history, seeing how they created spells. 

It was a lot to take in. And in a very short amount of time. March was just around the corner.

Granny hoped harnessing my powers would help me become strong enough to kill my mate. We assumed my mate must be another werewolf. Thats why I was werwolf. 

But the idea of killing my unknown mate seemed morbid. It was wrong. Why...why did in a past life I create mates if I was to just kill my own.

It didn't make sense. 

But mostly it wasn't fair.

My powers mostly consisted of reading mines, feeling someones emotions. It wasn't physical strength, but mental one. It was a really calm life here. There wasn't fear and dread every time I woke up. The witches loved me. Showered me with gifts, and literally showered together. There was a huge bathing room where everyone bathed.  It felt nice having somewhat of a family. People who actually wanted me around. Everyday it felt like my hair got lighter and so did my eyes. 

Then I shifted into a wolf. Granny hoped shifting into a wolf would help unlock more memories. Or more powers. Apparently I was very powerful, but I didn't feel like some goddess. As I stared at my reflection in the fountain. I was no longer some little dog looking mutt. But I was tall with long tipped ears and a long tail to match. My horn looked foreign, making sure I stood apart of any other cream colored wolf. 

I knew I was more powerful as well. I was faster, could jump higher. It was strange not having Daisy anymore...she was still here but she wasn't different of me. We were together. And it made me happy. I felt a sense of pride I had never felt before. A feeling I knew was coming through Daisy. I ran through the woods that the witches hid in. 

As I ran images flashed through my mind, as if I was running through a movie. Other wolves, warriors. Fighting. Mates. Cermonies. Birthday. Each with different wolves, different packs. It was so lovely.

Thats when a strange scent hit me. I felt a familiarity to it. My mind broke out of the trance as stared back into reality I raced through the woods and then seemly. I was somewhere different. 

I was still in the woods but these trees were different. Instead of oaks, these were pines. It was also slightly warmer here. I continued walking through the woods. Thats when I smelled a group approaching me. 

Fear gripped at my chest, these were not witches but a wolfs smell. I panicked as the group had me surrounded their eyes glowing in the dark behind bushes. 

"Who are you? State your business on Dire territory," a man with short brown hair came forward.

I felt a surge of courage from Daisy. I was no longer some little dog. I was a really wolf, a wolf with witches power. And she made it very clear to me.

"I am looking for Prince Lucas," I growled with confidence. The group seemed shocked. "Escort me." They surrounded me the man in front. Guiding me towards what I assumed to the the Alpha's castle. 

My own words were ringing in my ears. I had never heard my voice like that. Proud and with confidence. I guess the fiery girl I had seen in Granny was bleeding into the current me. But anxiety still covered my mind like an endless rainstorm. There was still too much unknown. But worse. 

I was sentenced to a death I had experienced for eternity. At 18 I would die...

"You smell nice," a smaller woman with warm brown eyes started at me. She blushed and looked away when I meet her gaze. 

"What is that thing on your head?" another asked. It wasn't until then that I realized my horn was still present. How do I even explain that? Could I even hide it?

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