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I was at the back of the group trailing along. I kept my gaze on the floor so many thoughts were racing through my head. 

"I would like to have a moment alone with my pet," Adrians voice rang out, "I need a room."

"Of course King," Alpha William said point down a hallway. 

"Rae is not your-" Lucas started standing in front of me.

"Drop it Lucas!" Alpha growled and even my own body tensed up. Adrian grabbed my hand and took me down the hallway. I stared at the feathers on his back. They were beautiful. Before I could take in another breath I was pinned on the bed. I stared up at his red eyes. 

He looked stressed.

"What is this? Where have you been?" he growled staring at the horn on my head, "Your ears are different too."

"U-um Granny can explain it better-"

"What do you mean Granny? She tracked you down here!" he hissed in my face. His hands held onto my wrist so hard I wanted to scream. Tears started to flood down my face. I felt weak and useless. 

Did Granny betray me? Was this just some trick.

"D-don't hurt them. I am sorry-" I mumbled.

"Explain Rae. Nate ripped out your guts! Your blood was everywhere! Now you are here? Just as happy and healthy....more so than ever before? Your hair your eyes? Yet you are Rae! You smell...just the same!" His eyes were wide and his fangs were all the way out. He looked crazed. "Do you even know how long I looked for you? You were just gone? Playing footies with the Dires? I should punish them all! Every creature here that laid eyes on what is MINE!"

I suddenly reach forward my horn touching his forehead. 

We were in darkness. I could feel his emotion, but faintly this time. The images around us were blurred out. He turned around frantically in shock.

"What is this Rae?" he hissed. I could feel his current panic, confusion. He...had...looked for me? I walked over to a blurred image confused. Usually I could see them so clearly. He started running towards me as I reached for the image. As I touched it were were surrounded in white light. 

It was dark and I was alone on the shore of the beach. The man I knew as my sisters mate was standing in front of me. 

"Why do you get to hold all this power? Who decided you should be a nature holder? Everyone things you are some god!" the man growled at me.

"I am not a God! You know this!" My voice yelled back. 

"No you are not. You are a monster! You bound me to that woman just another monster! Forever!" his voice was frantic and I felt hurt within my bones. I watched as he brought up a sharp object. "And now we have a monster child!"

I reached up feeling like I had cut something. His head twisted too far to the side. I stared down at my hands. I had killed him...I had. 

Then like a tale as old as time. My sister ran up to me yelling at me. But I was swept up in the emotions of killing someone....killing someone beloved...family. Images of my sister and him, Adele. 

She pushed me down raising her hand. Ready to strike me. 

Then I was not staring at her. A man had ruined through the bushes yelling as he came to the two of us. He stared at me with warm hazel eyes. He had black wings sprouting from his back. He had a mark around his neck, that I knew were the identical of mine. 


I knew the pain before it hit me. The agonizing burning pain of the marks. Being painfully itched into my wrists and ankles. But I watched in horror as the same ones appeared on him. 

He started to bleed from his eyes and mouth. Soon those eyes had turned red and his fangs glinted in the moonlight. I watched as he slashed her throat. Blood sprayed over the sand and her body collapsed to the ground. I knew once his animalistic eyes were on me.

There was no stoping him. And my life was drained away. 


My eyes flew open. I was now on top of Adrian. He was breathing hard and his arm was wrapped across his eyes. His nails dug painfully into my hips.

"P-please...s-stop" he said in a weak voice, "It hurts" he pulled his hands away and he looked drained. His eyes were blood shot. 

"Why...why were you there?"

"How did you do that?"

"I can do that stuff now"

He looked at me with confusion. For the first time I felt like could actually read him, understand. 

We laid for a moment. Not saying a wrong. He pulled his nails out of my hips rubbing my skin.

"You healed so fast."

I was too busy in my own mind. That man...that man had been Adrian. Adrian has memeories locked away in his head. Memories....all of his past. For for what? Could I trust Granny or Alpha?


I looked up at him, finally seeing what I had always known was there. Black ink like swirls and Dimond shapes covered his neck. Then there were black swirls and spikes over his wrists. I gulped as my brain started to piece the puzzle together. 

"KILL HIM NOW!" I heard Granny in my head. 

"I CAN'T" I screamed back as more images started pouring into my head. It hurt, like my mind was being opened piece by piece. He had been there. In each single dream, in each vision. Standing next to me. Supporting me. Holding me. His wings wrapped around me. He was the first one I ever marked, we did it together. To prove and show our never ending connection to each other. I felt the love and affection in the deepest part of me.

This was mate. The man who was to kill me. 

And this was the best time to do it. 

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