Day 0: The ship

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"We see a ship in the horizon, It's coming this way," Commander Hange calls to us. Armin, Captain Levi, and Sasha stand next to me in the front row. "Be ready to fight but dont engage yet," The Commander adds and we all nod. 

Eren is hiding in the water ready to become a titan when the ship gets close enough. 

The ship finally gets close enough and Eren traps them as a titan. One of the men on the ship pulls a gun on Commander Hange but before he pulls the trigger, another gunshot goes off. The man drops dead and behind is a very tall blonde soldier with a smirk who pulled the trigger. "Let's talk Paradis residents," the Tall soldier says and jumps down the ship onto the shore.

The commander and Captain Levi lead the tall soldier into a tent nearby and all of us let a sigh of relief. "That was close," Says Mikasa before she runs to go help Eren. "I don't understand why the commander is willing to talk to this person," Conny says and Sasha nods in agreement. 

I honestly don't know the commander's reasoning but it must be good. Besides Commander Erwin trusted Commander Hange enough to make them Commander. "Oi Y/N, Hange wants you," Captain Levi says as he walks up to us. I nod and follow him into the tent. "Oh there you are Y/N, I have an assignment for you," Commander Hange says. 

The commander looks at the tall soldier and nods. "Your Commander has assigned me to you and a person named Armin for the next 30 days. Apparently you two are the two smartest soldiers, so I will tell you two about all the secrets about the world. Also I will teach you the way we do combat," The soldier says. I nod and tell the soldier my name, They say their name is Yelena. "Nice to meet you Yelena," I say with a smile. She smiles back at me.

I dont know why the commander trusts Yelena but boy does she have a beautiful smile. 

Later that night I sit at a table with Yelena and Armin. "Alright Yelena, lets start with titan history. We know some about it but I know that you know more," Armin says. Yelena nods and looks at me for some reason before looking at Armin. 

She has an intense look that seems to pierce through me, it makes me shiver a little. 

"Well we only have 30 days so let's begin," Yelena says.

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