Day 3

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"Y/N, wake up," Armin calls into my room. "Ugh, isn't really early, the sun just came up." I say. "Yes but Yelena called for us," Armin says and I get up reluctantly. 

I quickly get dressed then follow Armin to a room where Yelena sits by a bookcase. "Today is study Literature day," Yelena says and holds up a book. It says Romeo and Juliet on the cover. "What's that one you're holding about?" I ask. "Romeo and Juliet, A tragic forbidden love story." Yelena says and hands it to me. I flip through the pages and become interested in the story. 

"Its my personal favorite," Yelena says as I hand it back to her. "Forbidden love is a good story," I say and Yelena makes eye contact with me. Armin looks between us and clears his throat after a few seconds, snapping me out of her trance. 

There is something about her, the way she looks at me...I cant look away. I'm entirely in her hands until she releases me. 

( if you want a song that captures Y/N's feelings when they're stuck in Yelena's trance)

"Let's begin," Yelena says and Armin nods.

 I can't help but feel like I'm helpless to Yelena, even though I am one of the strongest soldiers. People in the scouts have compared me to an Ackerman...a great honor that I keep in my heart. How can I be powerless to her charm? That stupid smile and that intense look she gives me, Ugh. 

I finish reading Romeo and Juliet and poems such as that from Emily Dickinson and Robert Burns. I found that Yelena enjoyed poems from darker poets like Edgar Allen Poe. No surprise to me honestly, she had a mysterious but dark glow to her. 

"Well we should probably head to bed now," Armin says and yawns. I look outside...It's dark. Yelena nods and I tell Armin I'm going to stay a little longer to read. Armin nods and heads off to bed. 

"So Y/N, What do you think of the world?" Yelena suddenly asks once Armin is gone. I look up at her and say, "Im not sure honestly. It's not much different than the world inside the walls. There are bad and good people throughout the world, just like there are in the world." Yelena nods and leans in, causing me to tense up a little. "Do you think I'm one of those bad person?" She asks in a whisper. I gulp and answer, "I don't know...I've only known you for a little over 3 days." She smiles and nods, leaning back. 

I kind of want her to lean back in...What am I thinking?!

As if hearing my thoughts, Yelena asks, "What are you thinking?" I turn to her and immediately look into her eyes. I once again get lost in them...

What was I doing again?

Oh right...reading. I pull myself mentally away from her and shake my head. She laughs softly and picks up another book.

Later that night, I lay in bed thinking about Yelena. I start to shiver at the thought of her whispering and being close to me...

Oh no...I think I might have a crush.

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