Day 4

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I wake up still sitting at the table I was reading at last night with a book in my hand. A small blanket is draped over me...Yelena must've put it there. 

"Hey sleepyhead," Armin says as he walks in holding two cups of tea. He hands one to me and I thank him. "Where is Yelena," I ask him. "Oh, She wants us to meet her outside today," Armin says and takes a sip of his tea. I nod and take a sip of mine as well.

What could Yelena want us to do outside?

After we finish our tea, I follow Armin outside where we find Yelena patting a horse. She looks at us as we walk up to her. I can't help but blush at the sight of her. Today she is wearing a dark blue suit with a white bowtie. 

"Let's begin the day with a little horseback ride," She says and gracefully mounts a horse. We do the same and I notice a twinkle in Yelena's eye. "Where to?" I ask and Yelena shifts her focus to me. "To nowhere, follow me," Yelena says and Armin and I look at her confused but we nod. 

We ride through the forest until we eventually reach the middle of a big green field. "This is our destination," Yelena says and dismounts her horse. She takes a basket off the horse's back and motions for us to sit. We do so and Yelena places the basket down. "These are some of the foods of the world," Yelena says and Armin opens the basket. 

When he does, beautiful smells waft out of the basket. I take a deep breath and Armin hands me a sandwich. It looks good and it smells nice. I take a bite out it and immediately am overtaken by the taste. "That's a turkey and Swiss sandwich," Yelena says to me and smiles. I continue to eat it and Yelena lays in the grass with a sigh. She seems content and I can't help but smile at her.

"This so delicious Yelena," Armin says and Yelena smiles up at him. I nod in agreement and Yelena sits up on her elbows. "So Y/N, You going to share some of that sandwich?" Yelena says and I quickly give her a piece. She laughs and takes it from me, our hands touch and I feel jittery all of the sudden. She seems to notice because she smiles. 

I have a crush, but it's been less than a week...

I mean I have spent every minute except night with crush is just getting worse. 

Later that day, I sit in my room with a book from Yelena's bookshelf when I hear a soft knock at my door. I open it to find Yelena leaning against the doorframe. 

"Tomorrow meet me outside, Armin won't be there this time. I told him to keep studying history while we are gone," Yelena says with a smirk then turns and leaves. 

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