Day 2

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After I wake up, I finish reading the book Yelena gave me then head off to the cafeteria. Armin and Sasha are already there when I walk in. Sasha is always early to breakfast but Armin seemed too busy to eat. I sit next to Armin and he looks up from a book.

"Hey Y/N, Did you hear everyone is going on a mission but us two and Yelena? Apparently its because Commander Hange doesn't want us to waste a few days on a mission." Armin says and looks a little relieved for some reason. Ever since Armin got the colossal titan he seemed more quiet, if that were possible. Maybe its because he had all of Bertholdt's memories and they made him quiet with thought.

"Hey You two," Yelena says as she walks to us. We both smile and her and sits next to us. We greet her and she begins to eat. I can't help but stare at her, she is so pretty. She notices my staring and smirks at me. I blush a little and stop myself.

I've known her for about a day what is going on? 

"We should get back to our studies, right Yelena?" Armin asks with a new twinkle in his eye. "We should, but today I want teach you two to dance." Yelena says. "Um, we already know how to dance, that exists here?" I say and Yelena looks at me with a smile. "Not Ballroom dance I'm sure," Yelena says and we look at her confused. "That's what I thought," she says with a laugh. 

Yelena leads us to a large room where she pulls out a violin. She starts to play a soft tune and asks Armin and I to take each other's hands. we do so as she plays something she calls the devils trill sonata.

(For the mood of course)

She instructs what to do with our feet and soon Armin and I dance throughout the large room to her tune. She laughs softly as we stumble a little to the harder moves. 

I cant help but wonder how Yelena is so amazing at the violin, It sounds beautiful when she plays it. 

"Hey Armin, do you know how to play violin?" Yelena asks and Armin nods. She instructs him how to play the sonata and Armin begins. It's a little sloppier sounding than Yelena's playing but he gets the hang of it quickly. 

Yelena takes my hand into hers and proceeds to lead me along the dance floor. She towers over me and her black suit is a little wrinkled from use but she is something to admire. I cant help but notice that her hands are soft and her gentle leading throughout the dance floor makes me have a sinking feeling. In a good way though....She looks me in the eyes and smiles. 

I shiver at the deepness I feel when I look into her eyes. 

"Now you take the lead, do exactly what I did." Yelena says and I obey. I move quickly and to my surprise, swiftly lead her the same way she did. "You are a quick learner Y/N," She says. I smile at her in response.

After we finish dancing, I'm out of breath. 

Armin and I run to say goodbye to the others before they leave for their mission. "Good luck you two," Commander Hange says and we nod. 

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