Author's note

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^I love that song!

In honor of reaching 500 reads I would like to say thank you. I never expected so many people to read what I write. I can't thank you all enough. You guys have given me so much happiness for the last week or so and I'm glad for the people that stick around for my story. 

I work on chapters for about 5 hours a day or more, I know it's time consuming lol. I'm working hard for the people that stick around to read, I try to release chapters everyday. Speaking of which, this book will probably have about 30 chapters, one for each day as I've been trying to do. It's hard to come up with something for everyday lol.

When I started this, I was making it for myself, to say I wrote something. but I'm glad you guys seem to be enjoying it. 

Also I get readers from all over the world and all genders, that's crazy :) 

I'm so grateful for every single one of you and my inbox is always open for people if they ever need to talk. I'm usually around throughout the day. I care about every read and every reader so take care Yelena lovers :) 


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