Day 12

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I wake up to the sound of the ground rumbling. There must be titans outside, I quickly put on my odm gear and walk towards the noise. Mikasa is awake also and she is standing outside also in odm gear. 

"Hey Captain, we have 3 titans coming this way. One of them seems to be an abnormal," Mikasa says and I nod. "Mikasa you take the two small ones, I've got the abnormal," I say and Mikasa smiles. "Will do Captain," Mikasa says then swings away toward the titans. 

I swing toward the abnormal, I get it's attention and it full sprints towards me. I have about two seconds to reaction to it and I immediately swing away from its arms. I swing high into the air, release the cables, and plummet towards its nape. with maybe half a foot before I hit into the titan I swing towards a building to the right, cutting its nape on the way there.  

Mikasa swings next to me as I land on the building and she smiles my way. "You look like an Ackerman out there," Mikasa says with a chuckle and I smile. "We should probably get back before the others worry," I say and Mikasa nods. 

Once we get back we find Captain Levi sweeping some dust off the floor. "Oi, wipe the blood off your shoes before you come inside," He says. "We both know Titan blood disappears Captain Levi," I say and he rolls his eyes. "Still be careful, Y/N Bodt," Captain Levi says. "Using my full name now Captain," I say with a smirk. Captain Levi just says, "Tch" and goes back to sweeping. 

After we all eat breakfast, We get ready to get rid of all the titans left in this village. "Does anyone know why the commander wants us to clear this village?" Jean asks and Sasha raises her hand. "Because its close to the beach and we need a base there without trouble," Sasha says. "That is exactly right Sasha, great job," I say and Sasha smiles. Guess she is pretty smart and not just the food eater. 

"Enough wasting time, we have titans to kill," Captain Levi says. "Let's get into groups and take down these titans," I say and everyone nods. Soon everyone gets into groups, I'm with Jean and Sasha. "Well let's get to it kids," I say. "You're younger than us," Jean yells but I just smirk at him. 

I swing around the village with odm gear, looking for titans to kill. I spot four in our area, Jean and Sasha take the two small ones and I take down the bigger ones with ease. It's quite easy to kill the mindless titans if you know what you're doing, just avoid the limbs. The titan's strategy to eat you is simple, they take long, wide swings at you in order to take you from surprise out of your blind spot. If you live long enough to master timing these swings, you can take down titans without getting hurt.

"Captain, help! it's got me," yells Sasha and I she was caught in midair by the large titan. I quickly cut off the titan's arm and tell Jean to catch her, which he does thankfully. Then I blast myself up into the air with the boost of the odm and turn to cut the titan's nape.  

Soon everyone meets up and say the village is clear, thankfully Sasha is ok with minor injuries and there were no casualties. We set back out for home as day turns into night. 

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