Day 10

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I close my eyes to stop my thoughts from racing and when I open them it is morning. I must've been really tired and didn't know it. I stand and all the thoughts from last night come racing back into the front of my mind.

What should I do?

I think for a moment before deciding I'll talk to Yelena...Communication is key after all. At least that is what I heard as a kid from my parents. I miss them sometimes; I can't wait to get back home one day and taste my dad's cooking. My mom never really cared for cooking and went into depression after my brother Marco died.

Marco was the reason I joined the scouts, he was always kind and smart but he never had the stomach to be a soldier unfortunately. He died by a titan while he was a scout under Commander Erwin. I wanted to protect him when I joined the scouts but I was in training when he died...

I think more about my brother as I walk into the library where I find Yelena asleep over a book. She looks adorable and peaceful just slumped over her small book she was reading...also she is most definitely snoring. I pat her on the head gently to wake her but she jumps with surprise. I guess with her instincts she knocks me over and holds a knife to my throat from I don't know where.

"Oh sorry Y/N, you shouldn't wake me up. I get violent sometimes," Yelena says and helps me up with a chuckle. "Well thank goodness you check who it is before you kill," I say and she laughs. "Let me get you some coffee, we both probably need it," Yelena says and I nod. 

This giving me some time to come up with what to ask.

 She comes back with Coffee after a few minutes and hands me a cup. Our fingers touch and I feel a tingling feeling at the contact. "So, you came to talk I'm guessing?" Yelena asks and sits down. 

"Yes actually," I say and sit down across from her.  She pulls my chair closer to her and I start to get a little excited about what might happen. "So- I, aren't you mad at me?" I say, stumbling over my words. Yelena smiles and leans in so close I hold my breath. "Not mad, Jealous." She says and pulls back to lean backwards in her chair. 

Jealous? About Armin? About Jean? My mind racing at the possibilities and I get goosebumps when I remember her intense glare. She pulls out of my thoughts by touching my leg. 

"So you were jealous? Then you shouldn't have pushed me away." I say and Yelena pulls back and nods. "I know that, I'm sorry Y/N," She says and shakes her head like she is disgusted by herself. I reach out and touch her cheek and she leans into my touch. "You just have to communicate with me," I say and she sighs. 

I hear footsteps suddenly and we pull back from each other. Hange walks and and looks between the two of us with a smile. "Hey you two, I've been looking for you Y/N," Hange says. "What for?" I ask. "Meetings, you're a captain now and you need to attend," Hange says and I nod. I don't look at Yelena as I leave, better safe than sorry. 

For the rest of the day, I sit in meetings with Captain Levi, Hange, and the other officers around Paradis Island. 

30 days with YelenaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora