1k special:1400s AU

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Authors note: You guys doubled my reads pretty quickly lol. So I thought in honor of 1k reads I will be writing an AU with Yelena as a knight in the 1400s and you as kidnapped royalty. :) 

Trigger warning: kidnapping 


"Let's go Y/N, Father needs you in the banquet hall." My brother Marco says and outstretches his hand to me. I follow him to the hall and find my father, the king, sitting at the head of the table. "You required my presence father?" I say. "Yes I do, your friend Mikasa is waiting for you in the garden." He answers. I nod and bow to him before leaving to go find Mikasa.

I walk into the garden and find her there with a beautiful red dress on. "Hey, what's the occasion," I ask while looking at her up and down with a smirk. she blushes at me and answers, "You like?" I nod and she continues, "I'm taking us to a ball, it's going to be so much fun. Come on weirdo."

I get dressed up in purple then head with Mikasa to the Ball. Mikasa and I have been friends since we were little, it's how life is when you're royalty. Mikasa and I dance on the dance floor to a bunch of songs. When a slow song comes on, Mikasa runs off to find the dukes, Jean and Eren, and the Duchess, Ymir. Mikasa has a thing for those three and has probably been romantically involved with all of them. 

"Excuse me, but you look like you don't have a partner your majesty." A voice says and I turn around to a see a tall woman with short blonde hair. Woah she's beautiful. "I do not have a partner," I say and she smiles. "May I?" She asks and I nod. 

She takes my hand carefully and twirls me around before pulling me towards her to slow dance. We sway to the music and I look into her eyes and ask, "Did you have a plan when you came up to me?" She laughs softly and nods. "I did, to get you to dance," She says and I shake my head amusingly. "No I mean, why pick me?" I ask and she smiles. "Because.." She trails off and her eyes roam my body. When she finally reaches my eyes again, I have goosebumps, her eyes...they are so beautiful. 

Soon the song ends and The woman bows to me and leaves. I am flustered, so I try to find Mikasa so that we can leave. I don't find Mikasa instead I run into a man in a hallway. "I'm sorry sir, let me help you up," I say and reach out my hand. He grunts and pulls himself up but for some reason smiles when he looks at my outfit. "Royalty," He says and touches the royal seal on my arm. I was branded with the royal seal when I was 16. 

The man suddenly grabs me and puts his hand over my mouth. I try to pull him off of me but I pass out when he puts a cloth over my mouth. 

I wake up in a dark room and cry out for help. A man I've never seen before opens the door with a candle in hand. "We are going to get a pretty penny for your ransom," He says and laughs to himself as he puts the candle down on a table. "Please let me go," I say and he giggles at my pitiful attempt. "Absolutely not," He says and walks towards me with a crooked smile. 

"Carl, leave our hostage alone. We wont get any money off them if we do anything to them," The man who grabbed me says as he walks into the room. Carl rolls his eyes and steps back from me. "Go to sleep now kid, we have a ransom letter to write," The other man says. 

They leave the room and after I'm sure they are gone, I start to rub the ropes they tied me with against the chair I'm sitting in. It doesn't seem to be working so I come up with a more dangerous plan. I'll set the ropes on fire with the candle and pull out my hands while it burns. I might burn my hands in the process but I can't just sit here. I wobble the chair over to the candle as quietly as I can and pick up the candle between my teeth. 

I manage to set the ropes on fire and get ready to pull it apart. My hands start to burn and I wince at the pain but I keep myself quiet. I pull apart the burning ropes and fall to the floor in pain. I rip my part of my outfit off and carefully wrap each hand in the fabric. Hopefully that would stop the oozing or bleeding from my hands. 

I wait next to the door for one of the men to come in for what seems like days. Eventually Carl walks in and stands shocked at my empty chair. I attack him from the side and manage to knock him out and grab the keys and his small dagger from his pocket. I run through the hallways looking for anything to escape from, even a window. I hear a yell coming from far away and I freeze. 

I hear footsteps coming my way and I prepare to attack. A person in Knight's armor comes around the corner and I knock their feet out from under them and pull off their helmet. As I hold the dagger to their throat I realize who this is, it's the woman from the slow dance. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask. 

Could she have helped kidnapped me?

"I heard you got kidnapped and I came right away your majesty. The king wanted me to help you but it looks like you are quite capable yourself." The woman says. "So...you're a knight then?" I ask and she nods. "Knight Yelena, at your service," She says and I help her stand. 

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I knocked you over," I say and she laughs. "Not even a scratch on me. But your hands! Did they do this to you?" Yelena says and carefully takes my hands into her own. "No, it's how I got out of my restraints. They are healing don't worry," I say and she nods. 

Yelena leads me outside and helps me onto her horse and we ride back to the castle. 

Author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed, already I got over 100 reads while I was writing this- wow. If you want me to do more short AUs or a longer one with multiple chapter let me know. I'm new to wattpad so I don't understand many of the terms but I could do a book of AU oneshots, I think its called.  Anyways let me know because I love the character and would love to write more fanfics about her. 

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