Final Preperations

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Chapter 18: Final Preparations

Eira did not know what to expect from the forthcoming encounter with Drago. She flew with Ingrid and Hiccup in silence while the others trailed behind so they would not raise any suspicions. After what her sister told her, she did not have much hope for success, but they had to try on principle. Only once they showed they had exhausted all other means could they legitimately use violence without looking like hypocrites.

Eira wondered how Hiccup gained his father's approval for this plan. The chief obviously thought it was foolish, but he allowed it as long as proper precautions were taken. She was even more surprised that Krogan did not put up much of a fight. Had he given up trying to argue his stance or was it something else? She wished she knew what Eret said to him the previous day.

"We're getting close," Ingrid said in a low voice. "Are you two ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," Hiccup said. "You don't have to come with us if you don't want to. You can meet back up with the others."

"No, I should be there so Drago doesn't question how you found him. And Shadowwhisper's calming ability may not have much effect on Drago himself, but it might do something for his men."

"Do you really think they'll attack us?" Eira asked.

Ingrid gave her an uncertain look. "I don't know. If they assume we're enemies, they will for sure."

"Then we'll have to make our intentions clear as quickly as possible," said Hiccup.

They saw no one as they began their flight over the island, but they remained high in the sky and did not let down their guards. Then they reached the bay, and Eira's heart sunk when she saw the dozens of ships. This guy meant business.

"Here we go," Hiccup said as they neared the main ship. Several Vikings spotted them as soon as they descended and shouted out in alarm. He ignored them and yelled, "Drago! I'm here to talk!"

Eira gripped Swiftwings' saddle tightly at the sound of thunderous footsteps. She did not like the way the men eyed them and their dragons. Then a large, angry looking man appeared on the deck of the ship. "That's him," Ingrid whispered.

"And who might you be?" Drago bellowed. If he was surprised at the sight of a Night Fury, he didn't show it.

"I am Hiccup Haddock," the young Viking replied, "son of Berkian chief Stoick the Vast and leader of the dragon riders."

Drago's expression darkened. "Dragon riders? You're the one behind everything?"

"He's not behind anything," Ingrid said. "I told you, we never attacked you or your allies!"

Drago narrowed his eyes at Ingrid. "What are you doing back here, little girl? Why did you lead them to me?"

"Because we don't want to fight," Eira said.

"You mean you're too weak to fight."

"No, I don't. We're perfectly capable of defending ourselves and prefer a peaceful solution."

"You don't have to live this way," Hiccup said. "Everything you know about dragons is wrong. Just let us show you the truth. Let us help you."

"NO!" Drago shouted. "You fail to grasp the reality of the situation. None of you could possibly understand."

"You're wrong!" said Eira. She swallowed hard when he took a step closer to her and Swiftwings, his eyes narrowed. "I do understand. You started off wanting to protect people from dragons so they wouldn't know the pain you did."

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