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10 Years Later.

Night Fury Island gleamed with snow as the Berserkers made their descent. Eira could already see a bustle of activity from Swiftwings' back. She flew with her daughters, nine year old Eyvor, future chief of Berserker Island, and four year old Brynja, the little girl she adopted the year prior. She helped the youngest off her dragon's back while Eyvor jumped into the snow. 

"Happy Snoggletog!" Dagur shouted to anyone and everyone who would listen.

"Don't embarrass us, Dad," 12 year old Randel muttered, sliding off Sleuther's back. Eira and Dagur adopted him from Torleif Island two years after the birth of their first child.

"Come on, get in the spirit!" said six year old Sten, their second natural born child with bright red hair just like Eyvor and his parents.

"Exactly!" said Dagur.

Eira chuckled lightly. "Let's find the others." They first ran into the Night Furies, who were sporting festive green colors. She immediately knew who was responsible: Fishlegs. He and Heather worked closely with Hiccup and Eira at the training center, and when they married, the two of them decided to live permanently on Night Fury Island so they did not have to choose between Berk and Berserker Island. As a consequence, they became close with the locals.

"Oh, you're here," Fishlegs said, popping out of one of the buildings with his two oldest children (eight year old Guiscard and five year old Gunvor) trailing behind. The kids immediately ran to the newcomers, chatting excitedly. A moment later, Heather emerged, carrying two year old Groa.

"Welcome," she said with a smile.

"I love what you've done with the place," Dagur said, looking around at the Snoggletog themed decorations. "Where's Berk?"

"They haven't arrived yet."

"Look!" Fishlegs said, pointing to the sky. "There they are now!"

In the horde of dragons descending upon the island, the most striking were Toothless, Luna, and they're three full-grown children: Pouncer, Dart, and Ruffrunner. The 'Night Lights,' as Hiccup called them, were a blend of black and white, like their parents. It had taken time for Luna and Toothless to settle down, but now they could not be happier. They visited Eira all the time, of course. Similarly, Krogan eventually married Reidun and settled with her on Torleif Island, which was just fine with Eira. They were still friends even when they were apart.

"Hello, everyone," Hiccup said.

Luna immediately bounded over to Eira. The girl laughed as she gave her a hug. "It's good to see you too. And hello, Zephyr and Nuffink." Hiccup and Astrid's six and four year old daughter and son gave brief "hellos" before joining the other kids.

Next, Ingrid and Snotlout arrived with their children: six year old Tron, four year old Geir, and two year old Gerna. The boys joined the growing group of friends while Ingrid held her young daughter on her hip. "I hope we're no too late," she said.

"Of course we're not," said Snotlout. "The party doesn't start until we arrive!"

Eira smirked. "That's very true."

"Besides, we're not even the last ones here."

Krogan and Reidun, who had the furthest to travel, finally arrived with Jarl, who rode his new Snaptrapper friend, and the son they had together, eight year old Alvar. "Where's Ragna?" the young boy said immediately, referring to Viggo and Runa's daughter of the same age.

"She's with her family in Torvald," Eira explained. "I'm sorry, she won't be here." After years of stubbornness, Runa's father finally accepted Viggo and their children as part of his family and had invited them to Snoggletog at his house. Eira could not be happier for her friends and was glad to see that truth, love, and forgiveness won out in the end.

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