Taking Charge

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Chapter 52: Taking Charge

"How do you want to do this?" Eret said to Oliver as they flew across the ocean. They were headed to an island that had previous friendly relations with Torleif Island. Reidun hoped those relations would be enough for the people to give the dragon riders a chance.

"We need to go to their dock where they would usually expect visitors," Oliver said. "We do not want them to think we are attacking."

Eret nodded twice. "That makes sense."

"Do not draw your weapons, and make sure your dragon is calm. Treat the people like you  would a wild dragon. We need to gain their trust."

"Hopefully, the letter from Reidun will help." Eret squinted his eyes when the island in question came into view. He noticed ships with familiar looking sails docked straight ahead. "Okay, your plan was good, mate, but I've got a better one. We enter the forest and approach on foot."


Eret and Skullcrusher zoomed away before the boy could finish his protest. Eret gave Oliver a sheepish look when he caught up with him, grumbling. "Sorry, mate. If we want to start off peacefully, we best avoid the Northern Alliance for now." He hoped these people were just as eager to break ties with the terrible organization as Torleif Island.

The Vikings managed to descend upon the forest without being noticed. The immediately dismounted and started for the village on foot with their dragons trailing behind them. They had not gone far when the sound of growling echoed all around them. They stopped, and dragons of various species emerged from the trees, snarling. "This isn't good," Eret said. He reached for his dagger, but Oliver's hand on his arm stopped him.

"I'll handle this," said the young boy. Oliver walked up to the first dragon, a Changewing, with his palms up. Within a minute, he had the fierce dragon relaxing under his touch. The other dragons became curious, and they eventually fell in line.

"Wow," Eret said after the kid tamed the last dragon. "You're good."

Oliver shrugged. "I grew up with them. Let's go."

The wild dragons followed them on their way to the village. At the entrance to the forest, they met a mob of Vikings with their weapons raised. Eret flashed them a smile and stepped forward. "Greetings, mates."

"Who are you?" said the tall man in front, who appeared to be their leader. "What are you doing with those dragons?"

"Oh, we tamed them for you. You're welcome." Skullcrusher moved closer to Eret. "Oh, this one is mine. I'm Eret son of Eret, and this is Oliver. We were sent by Reidun of Torleif Island."

"And what is she doing consorting with dragon riders?"

"We're allies now. We came to offer you the same deal we gave them."

The man eyed him suspiciously. "And what would that be?"

"End your alignment with the Northern Alliance, and we will teach you how to defend yourselves by befriending dragons."

"They're very reliable," Oliver said. "This ones won't hurt you anymore, and we can teach you how to tame the rest of them in the forest."

The Vikings exchanged uneasy glances. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Eret dug his hand into his bag slowly to not threaten them. "I've got it all right here." He tossed the rolled up scroll to the chief, who caught it and unrolled it.

"Fine. This looks legit, but I don't see-"

"Hey! What are you doing?" A soldier with the Northern Alliance symbol strode forward with four others behind him. "Those dragons are dangerous!"

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