Lingering Doubts

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Chapter 51: Lingering Doubts

Eira gathered her group on Berserker Island for a change of pace. The Berserker warriors took well to Valka's instruction, so Viggo left them to her and joined the others in a small clearing. First, Eira, Ingrid, and Snotlout updated Viggo on the situation and gave him an overview of Night Fury Island. Then he offered his suggestions for battle, which seemed almost inevitable at this point.

"We will have a better chance at persuading Drago is we get him alone, away from his dragons," Viggo said. "Toothless can help us accomplish that."

Eira nodded. "We don't need him totally alone, though. Duskscales should be with him. He is bonded to her, and we can use that."

"That is the one who hesitated to attack our friend Luna? It seemed to me both dragons are not confident about which side they should take. This only benefits us."

"This whole thing is a mess," Ingrid said. "Dragons shouldn't be fighting each other like this - especially within a flock."

"It's Drago's fault," said Snotlout. "He's pitting them against each other."

"Only because he thinks there is no other way," said Eira. She turned to Viggo. "Do you have any idea how we can reach him?"

Viggo folded his hands in front of himself, appearing thoughtful. "Let us consider the specifics of the situation. You believe everyone is persuadable, but not every method will work for each individual. It would be easy if Drago was open to listening to reason, but, alas, that is not the case, or the problem would not have gotten this far. Neither, do I think, will emotion have a significant effect on him."

"His problems stem from his childhood when his village was destroyed by dragons." Eira knew this made it more difficult for Drago than for others. He needed to find some way to let go of his past. "The dragons destroyed all sense of safety and security he had, so he initially turned against them."

"But when he bonded with Duskscales, he decided to help them instead," Ingrid said.

Viggo nodded. "The best person to reach him would be someone who understands what it is like to lose everything at a young age; someone who also believed violence and control was the only way to survive." He looked pointedly at Eira' who's heart sunk.

"Yeah, I know," she said with a sigh. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this." But she knew there was no other way.

"I'm confused," Snotlout said. "What's going on?"

Eira took a deep breath and faced him. "We're going to Torleif Island."


"And you must all make sure you are extremely careful," Hiccup said to the large group of Vikings gathered in the meeting hall on Torleif Island. "The other villages consider us their enemies. You are allowed to defend yourselves, but do not cause any harm to them if you can help it."

"And what if they run into soldiers from the Northern Alliance?" Reidun asked.

"We'll take care of them!" Eret said.

Hiccup hesitated before responding. "That will be up to you. Remember, our goal is to convince the villages that we are better friends than the Northern Alliance. Use Your best judgment."

Eret nodded. "I've watched your training long enough, I can start now while you instruct the others."

"Okay, but you need to go with another person. This is not something you should do alone."

"I'll go with him," Oliver said, pushing his way to the front of the group.

"I do not think that is a good idea," Krogan said with a frown.

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