⚜️ Pillow Talk ⚜️

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"Yes, Dio?"

"Why do you love me?"

Normally, Dio would never ask such a question. He would never put himself in such an emotionally vulnerable situation on purpose, but something was off.

There was something in the air that day that just put him in one of those moods where things seemed hopeless, not worth doing. It wasn't a common occurance. Definitely not. Dio was often the most confident person Jonathan knew so to hear such words come out of his mouth in such a quiet, weak way was almost heartbreaking.

The way Dio curled in on himself was almost heartbreaking, the way he made himself as small as possible as if he was trying to hide himself away from the world, and it was all JoJo could do to hug him tight from behind.

Responding to Dio when he was upset was entirely different from responding to Dio when he wasn't - when Dio was being slightly narcissistic and wanted to be praised and flattered, JoJo would keep on saying whatever came to mind if it was a compliment and appease Dio easily, but when he was sad, Dio was searching for something. He was waiting for a certain thing to be said and nothing else and JoJo never knew what it was. He may know Dio well, but he wasn't a mindreader.

As stated before, Dio was not one to get concious or sad or worried about himself often, as such, JoJo had hardly ever had to use his nonexistant mind reading powers.

Perhaps he had spent too long thinking of a response that Dio would like to hear and Dio began to speak again.

"I was awful to you." It came out as a whimper; JoJo hadn't even realised Dio had started to tear up. "I was cruel and callous and cared so little for you when we were young and I-"

"Dio." Jonathan stopped him midsentence, tightening his hold of Dio's midriff and curling up as close to him as he could. Carefully he snuggled his face into the crook of Dio's neck, kissing up and down with a slow pace, feeling how Dio slowly relaxed in response to his affections. "It's just as you say, you were young and I know you're not like that anymore. You've changed. The Dio who existed in the past will stay there because you are not the same Dio."

"Jonathan, but I did all of those things myself regardless of-" Dio started to speak again, the shaking of his voice spread to his body, shuddering even under the covers and wrapped in JoJo's arms. He shook his head and turned around so he was facing JoJo. "I may have changed but are you sure you wish to accept me after I have been so horrible? What if I regress back to how I was back then?" What if I hurt you again? were his unspoken words that he'd swallowed down.

"It's because you have changed that I accept you now. I love you, Dio, because I know you would never do anything like what we did as children to each other again. Don't you think our love is stronger than any amount of hatred a petty argument we could have over old topics? Better yet, don't you think that if you'd ever let yourself get back to that point that you would be feeling so upset over it right now? I know you're better than that. You'd hate to see yourself return to that and that means you'd never let yourself get back to that point. You care so much and I can see that in everything you do, say, and are today, in the present."

JoJo's speech seemed to be enough to make Dio stop crying, his tears coming to a stop at the edges of his eyes, welling up there with a shine that made one want to pity him. One of Jonathan's hand moved up to rest on Dio's cheek and he wiped away the trails of tears with his thumb, kissing the area as soon as the wetness was wiped away.

"You're so strong, Dio, and I love you because of the man you have become." He reassured his partner of this, pressing their foreheads together.

"Thank you..." Dio replied, a weak smile gracing his features before he succumbed to the softness of the world that his lover had laid out for him and fell asleep knowing that he was worthy of all the love he was given.

Dio needs more love 💘

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