Taming the self

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I heard someone knocking on the door incessantly and was forced to get up from my bed.

As I walked out of my room,I heard Oliver's voice from the main door.

Oh shit, I totally forgot that he will be coming over to fetch me.

"Coming!!" I replied before realising that I looked like a mess.

It was too late for me to run into the room and touch up my make up. It will take me around 5 minutes just to do my eyes. Thanks to all the crying.

"Hi." I mumbled ,letting Oliver in.

"Gosh, I was knocking the door for atleast 20 minutes . Look, my knuckles are red. And you didnt even pick up your phone,I was call- ... Wait, why do you look so pale and tired? Your eyes are red. Whats wrong,Natalie? " Oliver had his tone increasing to a highly stern voice.

The devil is awake.

"Harry.." Oh shit I cant say that to Oliver.

"No I meant Arnold came."

Oh crap, I cant say that either.  I shut my mouth with my hands , mentally slapping myself for telling Oliver about Arnold's visit.

I told myself about million times to never mention to Oliver about today's incidents.

And here I am, revealing about Arnold's visit.

Oliver was fuming with anger. Cold glare and pressed lips. I could his cheekbones area and the tip of his nose getting red. Probably his blood was boiling too,at about 420°C ?

"Why didnt you call me once he came there?" Oliver walked towards me leaving no space between us. He was looking down at me due to our height difference. I was definitely petrified. How I wish this was a dream...

"I... I didnt want to tell,I mean,I forgot." I trembled.

"Forgot? Who are you kidding? You have cried so much that your eyes are puffy and your skin is pale. Even a nap didnt make you feel good."

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Oliver lifted my chin with his finger,showing all his anger and authority on me.

"Yes I will but not now. Im too tired. I just want to relax my mind for awhile." I pushed his finger away weakly.

I went to the kitchen and got two glasses of orange juice.

I settled down on the couch,leaving Oliver's glass of juice on the table.

I dont dare to make that poor glass a victim of his anger.

Oliver looked a bit more relaxed now but there was still some tension lurking around.

"Nat, lets go back home." He sipped the orange juice.

"You need to rest. There is work tomorrow. We can talk about it soon. But Im confronting Arnold once very very soon."

"Oliver,dont. There is no need for confrontation. Arnold is just upset that he couldnt be the CEO. It is normal to be jealous. Dont confront him please." I pleaded Oliver.

Oliver just took away my empty glass and headed towards the kitchen.


"Im fine , no worries?" Oliver came into our room looking at my handphone.

We were back at the mansion and I was changing into my PJs.

"Why is my dad telling you that he is fine?" Oliver asked arching one of his eybrows upwards.

Oh shucks, I texted Harry asking him to update me on his health even if he has few days to live. I wanted to take care of him in his last days. That is the only way I will get rid of the pain in me. Atleast I dont live with the guilt that I didnt try my best to make Harry happy.

And I carelessly left my phone in the hall,totally forgetting about Oliver's presence.

What if Oliver saw the whole conversation?

Oh almighty god, please save me.

"Why do you look so stupefied? Anyway, I only saw the notification which popped up not your whole conversation. I respect your privacy. If thats what you are thinking." Oliver placed my phone on the bed.

He looked a bit perturbed , cause he took it as I thought that he checked my phone.

Oliver silently took his towel and strode towards the bathroom.

"Oliver,wait." I stopped him.

I went directly infront of him,preventing him from walking any further.

"It doesnt matter even if you take my phone and read all the messages because there is nothing to hide from you. In fact, you would get bored because I would have told everything to you before itself. And I was just checking on Harry. Nothing much."I lied about Harry to Oliver.

Much to my relief, Oliver was convinced.

He threw his towel over my neck and pulled me closer to him.

He inhaled sharply as my face rested on his bare chest.

He lifted my chin as he always did but this time,with a seductive look all over his blue eyes.

Slowly,his lips touched mine as his hands travelled down to my waist and held it tightly.

I let his tongue enter my mouth and he immediately took the cue to take me over.

Oliver deepened the kiss with extreme amounts of passion and lust flowing freely. His tongue was definitely performing acrobatics in my mouth as it fought with mine like a mighty warrior.

I could sense the desire in both of us transforming into something more intimate than just a kiss;the need for each other. Oliver broke the kiss gently as though he sensed the sudden shift in my thoughts.

I looked at him, his face was soft but his eyes were burning with desire,asking for more. I pulled him towards me and traced his contoured body with my fingers.

But Oliver released himself from me.

"I cant take you like this. Dont tempt me anymore. You are testing my restraint. Dont. It will destroy you,Nat" He managed to whisper in his husky voice.

He took away his towel and went for a shower,wishing me a good night.


"Goodnight Oliver." I jumped onto our bed,taming all desires.
Happy Valentines Day!!
Hope you guys liked this chapter. They finally kissed and now they want more hahahaha so what is going to happen next?
Will Oliver confront Arnold?
Will Nat tell about Harry's condition to Oliver?
Dont forget to vote and comment!!! :))

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