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"An heir." Christina answered.
"What? An heir?" I gasped.
"Yes Nat. Only the son with an heir can lawfully inherit the company and wealth from the father. " Christina told with her eyes not diverting from my gaze.
"Actually-"I started but heard footsteps behind me.
"Natalie!" I heard Oliver calling me.
"Nat, you should discuss this with Oliver as soon as possible." Christina kissed me before going.
Oliver and Christina passed by each other and they acknowleged each other by a mere nod.
I give Oliver an awkward smile as he approached me.
"You fine?" He asked me.
"Yes." I nodded my head and walked out to Oliver's car contemplating how to tell him about Christina's idea.
"What are you thinking about so deeply?" Oliver asked me as he wore the seat belt before starting the car.
"About having a child." I felt a surge of bravery and just told Oliver the truth.
Oliver froze for a moment.
"Are you pregnant?" He asked with a hint of fear.
"No." I lied.
I knew I was 7 weeks pregnant . I found out during the Sweden business trip. After I came back, I wanted to tell Oliver over dinner that day but things got different as Harry was in the hospital.
"Its just that Christina told me that having an heir means you can inherit your dad's company legally without Arnold making an issue out of it." I explained.
Oliver let out a sigh of relief.
"I will take care of it. We dont need a child for that. Honestly, Im not ready to be a dad anytime soon." Oliver started driving smoothly.
"But, you said it was okay. That time." I argued.
"Yeah but thinking of it properly, I dont think so. I still have a big career ahead of me. We need to expand our business and do so much more. A child is the last thing on my mind now. " Oliver smiled at me.
I felt my entire world crumble down into pieces. I didnt know how to react.
From the moment I knew I was going to be a mother, I wanted this child so badly and I wanted to share this joy with Oliver.
But now that I know Oliver doesnt want a child, I wish everything was just a dream.
Oliver continued driving totally unaware of my internal breakdown.
"Do you want to follow me to the pub today? Noah and Timothy are joining me too." Oliver invited me to their meetup.
"No. Im tired." I was too shattered and genuinely exhausted to have a night out. Also, alcohol was a big No,now.
I felt that maybe a talk with Noah might help but I preferred some time alone first.
We reached our mansion and I got out first,leaving to the bedroom to rest.

This is s relatively short chapter. I felt that adding more issues might dilute the main tension in this chapter.
I will be updating the next chapter soon, so no worries!!

Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now