Walking through memory lane

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"Since 3pm,Seb." My voice trembled as I spoke.
"Calm down. Just check around." Sebastian answered.

"Be calm??! Sebastian are you kidding me? My son is missing. His playschool's teacher said that the school bus did pick him up and dropped him outside the Condo. But when I came there,he wasnt there. I was just 10 minutes late and I lost my son." I let out the fustration.

"I understand. Be patient. He might be at the playground or playing with the kids living near you. Why not see that first? Im so tied up in the office now, or else, I will be there with you." Sebastian apologised.

I was in no mood to accept his apology or say it wasnt needed. Skyler is missing.

I couldnt focus on anything.

What if he was kidnapped? What if he injured himself somewhere?

I was mainly contemplating if I should lodge a Police complain yet. I need to search my residential area first.
"Skyler are you here?" I yelled into the almost empty playgroud he usually plays at.
Only a few parents looked at me with pity while the children ignored my cries.
Where was Skyler?
"Whats wrong, lady?" An old woman approached with a soft smile plastered on her face.
"My 3 year old son is missing. He was supposed to wait for me but he wasnt there when I got back." I sniffed.
"Oh dear, he should be around here. This is a very safe area,darling. Nothing wrong would have happened. Get your husband to lodge a police report if your son is not back by six. But Im sure you will find him soon." The old lady hugged me before going off.
Isnt he enjoying life away in NYC?
I got into my car,driving away to check my last location - Isabella's home.
I sped through the roads, it was a mircale that I didnt get into an accident.

"Hello Gloria. Is Skyler here?" I asked Isabella's mum who opened the door.
"No, we didnt get him today. You told you will pick him up right? Is there anything wrong,dear?" She asked worry etched all over her face.

"Yes I did. But he wasnt there when I got back." I bit my lip as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Check with your neighbours if they had seen him. For all you know, he might have gone directly back home instead of waiting for you at your condo's lobby." Gloria adviced.
"Oh yes!! He might be there!" I exclaimed running back to my car.

I drove back to my condo literally praying every second that Skyler will be just outside the house.
I pressed the dumb lift's button so many times until I felt it was mocking me by taking its time to arrive.

So I just took the stairs to the 5th level. I was panting heavily and I looked to the sides to see if Skyler was there.
But no.
He wasnt standing outside my house .
I decided to ask my neighbours now since that was the last resort I had.
I went to the Morrison's and enquired about Skyler but they said they had not seen him.

I asked a few other neighbours whom I always spoke to , but they all had the same answer- NO.

I finally lost all hope and knocked on the door of the neighbour who had just moved in opposite my house.

"Hi, I am finding- NOAH???" I was shocked to see Noah standing there smiling.
"Yes its me. We moved here two weeks ago but only now you have found us." He replied.

"Noah, my son is missing. Did he came here by any chance?" I asked as my heart palpitated.

"Yes. Skyler right? He is with us. He became friends with us one week ago unlike you. We found him standing outside the house and asked him to come over." Noah said
I let out the biggest sigh of relief.

"Thank God." I breathed out.
"Where is he?"

"Eating his dinner. Its already 6pm,you know? We made him some dinner!"Noah gave a smirk.

"We? You mean you and your wife?" I asked. I lost contact with Noah and probably he got married.

"No. Your husband and I. " He replied more eagerly.

"Oliver...?" I barely whispered.

"Yes. Oliver Anderson,himself. Look there." He pointed at the dinning table where Skyler was busy eating his pasta as Oliver sat beside him,helping him to take out the prawns' shells.

The same exact focused look and calm exterior. The very same person I had seen 3 years ago. Just that Oliver was wearing a pair of black rimmed glasses now.

What was happening before me was exactly what happened between Oliver and me in the restaurant previously. That time whem he helped me get the prawn shells out of them and had the whole restaurant looking at us awestruck.

Now as I saw Oliver and Skyler next to each other, I couldnt help but smile at how similar their looks and actions were like.

How could have Oliver thought I wouldnt have been carrying his child? How could he have thought that I had cheated on him? And now, how dare he tries to bond with same child he claimed not to be his?!
Anger overtook me.

"SKYLER!! WE ARE GOING BACK HOME NOW!" I raised my voice, catching the attention of both father and son.

Oliver stood up the moment he saw me. While Skyler ran towards me.

"Natalie.." Oliver called out.
The same husky voice. My heart stopped for a moment as I recalled the good times with him.
"Listen Nat, Im sorry. It was my mistake. I shouldnt have spewed my words like that. Now please dont leave me like that. I need the both of you." Oliver started.

"Look here, Mr Anderson. I dont need anyone who threw out of their lives. Im leading a blissful life with my son now. So please do not spoil it." I snapped.

I saw Oliver get angry as I addressed him formally .

"He is my son as well. He needs to be with me too. Does he even know that I am his father?" Oliver asked. The hurt in his voice was palpable.

"Skyler, this is your father. " I said flatly.

Skyler looked like he saw a million Transformer toys in the house. His face lit up immediately. He let go of my hand and ran to Oliver.

He hugged Oliver so tightly as Oliver crouched down. Oliver seemed ecstatic as well. A few tears of joy escaped his eyes as Skyler addressed him as "daddy".

I was more awestruck at the love and bond between these two guys who didnt meet till one week ago.

"Skyler lets go back." I called him.

But he shook his head signalling no as he gripped Oliver's hands tightly.

I was so shocked and angry that I stomped off the house,ignoring Noah calling out to me.
I cant believe Skyler has "glued" so much to Oliver. So much that he decided to stay with him.

"I will kill you , Oliver." I slammed the main door of my house.

A/N :
I have included a pic above of how I imagine Oliver to look like now. Just add the deep blue eyes to the pic and TADAA, thats Oliver.
And Skyler has became a daddy's boy so fast. Skyler's reaction was so unpredictable and sudden right??
Pity Natalie man, Skyler was her world but now seems like he wont want to return back to his mum.
I can assure you guys that this story will be much more captivating from now onwards. We have Sebastian and Isabella on board with us!! Maybe more characters from the "past" will be coming back?

PLEASE COMMENT!! (Thank you for all the previous comments!! Loved them)
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P.s I updated early for you guys!!! Hahaha :)

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