Undressing by Oliver

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"Oliver!!!" I called out to him as I spotted him walking towards his BMW. As usual,I wasnt loud enough so I decided to run closer to him.

This is the tricky part. As I was rushing to catch Oliver, I wore my 4 inch heels and came here. I remember throwing those killer heels at my doorstep after I arrived from meeting the Andersons, but I never kept them in my shoe box.

Now when I was in a hurry, thats the first pair of shoes I saw so I wore them. To run in them means Im inviting accidents to occur.

But now, I really need to catch Oliver before he gets into the car. I cant just leave him like this. Dont ask me why but I just cant.

I jogged towards him calling out his name like a kid lost in a carnival. I was rather unstable with the heels and my emotional state. An injury was imminent on my body anytime soon.

And just as I thought, my right foot decided to pull a stunt with those heels. Its like my clumsiness and unstabilty converged at this point causing my right ankle to twist. I lost my balance and fell onto the carpark's cement ground . A loud scream escaped my mouth as the pain attacked.

Fortuntely or unfortunately, that scream of mine was able to get Oliver's invaluable attention. Probably Im the only one who has to go through all these ordreal,just to explain something to my finacè. Next time, Im just going to buy Nike running shoes just to run after Oliver.

Oliver immediately recognised who was I. Praise the lord that he didnt ignore me and drive away. Oliver rushed towards me and crouched down to me.

"What are you even doing here?" He asked furiously.

"I came after you. I need to talk to you... ouch this hurts!" I cried out as I tried to move my leg.

"Wait, let me help you. Just relax." He said as he analysed my right foot and removed my heels from my feet.

"Argh!! Oliver,dont do that . It hurts. Stop touching my foot. Ouch. God thi...this is bad.arrrhhh" I screamed as Oliver shifted my right foot to its normal position.

I held on to his shirt and crumpled it like a paper. The pain was unbearable and I was crying out.

"Shhh... Hang in there. It will be alright soon" Oliver calmed me down as he carried me up in bridal style.

I was carrying my heels with my right hand and my left hand was on his shoulder. I was wincing in pain but I couldnt miss the calm and composed Oliver who carried with great ease bringing me back to my house.

Once we reached my house, Oliver brought me to my bedroom and let me rest there for awhile.

Noah came in looking like as though he witnessed two old women hitting each other with their umbrellas.

"Where have you guys been? And whats wrong with Nat? Are you okay, Nat? Do you need a doctor?" Concern was etched all over Noah's face. That poor boy looked so freaked out.

I wanted to assure him everything was alright but I was not going to risk things with Oliver who was standing next to me. I decided it was safe for me to just keep quiet. Oliver seemed like he understood my reaction and he nodded at me looking sorry for me.

"You head back home,buddy. I will stay over and take care of her." Oliver said to Noah sounding friendly enough.

Soon, Noah bid his farewell and left.

Oliver was  now standing in my bedroom reading Reader's Digest. I was starting to feel sleepy and I wanted to get off my tight dress. It was making me uncomfortable and sweaty.

I struggled to stand up and as soon as my right foot touched the ground,I flinched in pain letting out a soft curse.

"You sure you can do that by yourself?" Oliver asked as he flipped the pages.

Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now