Thanks to Giovanna Again? Maybe not?

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I was frantically packing my luggage for the 3 days, 2 nights trip with Oliver. I even created a mini checklist on what to bring for the trip. Giovanna suggested that but I decided to make it a mini one unlike hers which is as long as my monthly grocery bill.

Giovanna was only emphasising on one thing;seducing Oliver.

Well, I guess this is the trip Addison had been planning and yes, Oliver and I will very probably consummate our wedding during the trip.

Giovanna was overly excited the moment I mentioned that her brother is planning to take me on a trip for 3 days.

She started how I have changed Oliver to how Oliver doesnt go on trips to destress or whatsoever all the way to tips on seducing Oliver.

I even took the tips down. Dont laugh at me.

I have never heard of any sister who gives tips on how to seduce her own blood brother but Giovanna is an anomaly.

Giovanna even went to the point where she was about to begin how she seduced Timothy but I stopped her , saying that my phone was going to die. I mean knowing about her own sex life is a bit tooo toooo much of information for me.

Just in case you are wondering, my call with Giovanna lasted for about 2 hours. And it was in the midnight when both our husbands were in deep hibernation.

I took out Giovanna's wedding gift and packed it along with my clothes. Its essential.

I also managed to purchase this translucent night dress which will kind of reveal the Chilli Red lingerie Giovanna had given me when I wear them both.

I know. I know, I shouldnt be this open and desperate when trying seduce my husband but afterall, he is my husband and I get to do what I want.

"Nat,you ready?" Oliver shouts from the first level. His voice increases my pace and I turn into the human version of Sonic the Hedgedog*.

I zip up the bag, adjust my coffee coloured shift dress and pull the luggage to the lift. With my white coloured ballerina flats on my feet,of course.

"Yup done. Shall we leave?" I asked as I dragged my luggage .

"Whoa!! Did you pack for your Sweden trip as welll??!!" Oliver gave me a puzzled glare.

"What? Of course not! Its for our 3 day trip. Just body wash,body scrub, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion. These are from Body Shop except for the shampoo and conditioner. And I also have packed the J'adore by Dior which was one of the wedding gifts. Oh and the other essentials along too!!" I squealed.

Why does Oliver have a "oh-my-god-I-am-so-dead" expression on his face? Men have never understood how many things women need for a trip. Oliver isnt an exception here.

"So Oliver, are you bringing your Fahrenheit aftershave as well?" I probed that dumbfounded guy to speak.

Honestly, Dior should get Oliver to be their endorser. He uses all their products and this particular aftershave is his favourite and its my favourite too. Smells like heaven. I would shower in it if Oliver allowed me.

"Natalie,we are just going for 3 days there. Not a month. Why do you need so many things? " Oliver speaks to me like Im a kid trying to eat 5 Cadbury bars at a time.

Gentle yet firm.

"Uhh, just thought I might need them. Where is your luggage?" I spy around our hall.

Luggage,where are you?


Okay , I spot none.

Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now