Ignoring Oliver with Sarah

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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I wish I could smack Oliver on his head to get the door but he wasnt sleeping next to me. Since the problem in the hospital, Oliver shifted to the bedroom next to our master bedroom.
I dragged myself out of the room and saw Oliver coming out from his room with a perplexed face. We both walked down the stairs at the same pace,Oliver ignoring my gaze at him.
He got the handle of the door before I could and unlocked the door with his thumbprint.
"Hello my brother!!! And Natalie!" Giovanna was standing there with Sarah.
Immediately, I knew that this was a part of Giovanna's plan to help me.
She gave me a wink as Oliver stepped aside to let them in.
Oliver was still rubbing his eyes and I was smiling at the two ladies infront of me.
"Hey brotha!!!!!! Whats up??" Giovanna hit Oliver's back hardly.
"Gi, its either you lower down your volume or leave." Oliver told her curtly.
"Whoa,Im leaving. But make sure you both take care of my daughter while Im gone." She put her hands on her hips.
"Huh? Why are you leaving Sarah here?" I pretended to act blur.
"Im going for a meeting today and Tim has gone overseas so there is no one to take care of Sarah plus my in-laws are on a vacation now. Just keep her busy with you and I have told her everything. Everything she needs to do." Giovanna gave me a smirk.
I mouthed a "thanks" to her as I brought Sarah closer to me.
"Alright. Sarah come up with me. Lets watch a movie!" Oliver pulled her away from me,leaving me and Giovanna alone in the hall.
"I have told Sarah to hang out with you more. Which means she must ignore Oliver. When Sarah ignores him, Oliver will have a taste of his own medicine." Giovanna gave me a bag full of Sarah's stuff and bid farewell.
I delved into the bag and found a Frozen movie in it.
Of course, Oliver wouldnt have this with him and I can use this to lure Sarah to me. I strode up with confidence to Oliver's room.
I opened the door to see Sarah on his lap watching Divergent. Oliver was slowly ruffling through her hair as Sarah had her eyes glued to the TV. The sight was so adorable, I wanted to just join them. The fact that Oliver was so close to Sarah made me wonder how would he be like when he becomes a dad one day.
"Sarah, look what I have got here?!!" I intruded.
"FROZEN!!!!!!" Sarah jumped from Oliver's lap and ran towards me.
"Lets watch!!!" She jumped more.
"Yes,lets go into the master bedroom." I carried her.
"Sarah, how about me?" Oliver feigned a sad look at her.
"Nooooo. I want Naterleeee!!" She pulled me out of the room.
I saw Oliver snarling at me when I left the room
"I have watched this movie soooo many times but mummy told me to not be with Olly and just stay with you. Cause Olly is becoming a bad boy." Sarah sighed.
"Is Olly bad to you?" She asked.
I laughed at her innocence.
"No, he is not. Just that he gets angry all the time." I told her.
"But he is good to me?" She asked scratching her head.
"Oliver loves you Sarah. So he is nice to you." I replied.
I thought Oliver loved me too. Loved me enough to understand that I would have not caused him pain. But, how wrong was I?
Just then,Oliver came into the room with some Happy Meal from Mcdonalds.
"Olly, do you love Naterlee?" Sarah folded her hands and asked Oliver.
Oliver looked startled for a moment.
"Sarah, here is your Happy Meal." Oliver placed the food on the table and left the room.
Good thing, Sarah got distracted by the Happy Meal but bad thing, that Oliver didnt reply to her question.
Of course, I know he doesnt have the love for me. He thinks Im the most vile being on Earth now.
I needed to apply leave from work to take care of Sarah. That means, I had to inform Oliver about this. Wonderful.
I safely let Sarah sit on the couch in the room and eat her meal as I left to find Oliver.
Oliver was arranging some papers in the office room. I knocked and went into the room. No, I cant walk into his office room like I used because he will flare up at me.
"Oliver, I need a leave from work today. I need to take care of Sarah. I have texted Nivera about all the pending work." I told.
"Alright." Oliver told me even without turning his head to look at me.
I was tempted to give him a piece of my mind when he was blatantly ignoring me but I realised that it is not the best thing to do when he was already infuriated.
When I was about to leave, I saw Sarah peeking into the room.
"Hey Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" I crouched down to her level and wiped off the  bread crumbs of her burger from her mouth.
"Can we go to the carnival? Please." She was pleading me.
"Yes!!" Both Oliver and I replied at the same time.
Sarah looked at both of us and she ran back to the room squealing in joy.
"I can bring her myself." Oliver stated as he left the office room.
In other words, he meant that I dont have to follow them.
I dressed up Sarah in comfortable shorts and shirt,tying up her hair into a high ponytail with her pink colour hair band.
"Are you not coming with us?" Sarah asked as she realised that I have not changed my clothes.
"Nope. Oliver wants to bring you." I adjusted her shirt.
"You must come. I want you to come!!" Sarah started crying.
She started wailing more as I told her that I cant come.
"Whats happening here?" I saw a furious Oliver enter the room,but he immediately softened his angry expression as he saw Sarah crying.
"I want Naterlee to come with us." Sarah sniffed as she told Oliver.
"Please,Olly. " She pleaded him.
Oliver knew that there was no way he was going to calm down Sarah so he agreed to her request.
"Get ready in 20 minutes." He told facing the door as he left the room.
Sarah wiped off her tears and started smiling again.
Cheeky little girl.
I got up the Oliver's Mercedes A Class - seating at the back-, Sarah and Oliver came towards the car.
Oliver opened the front door for Sarah to sit, just beside the driver's seat. But Sarah refused to go in and sat in with me.
"I want to sit with Naterlee!" She sat closely to me.
Oliver shook his head in exasperation before shutting the opened door of his car loudly and drove to the carnival.
I looked at Sarah in the car and she seemed totally oblivious of how badly Oliver wanted her attention.
Soon, we reached the carnival and Sarah was jumping in excitement.
"Sarah,come here. Lets get the tickets first." I pulled her with me.
She wanted to run to the games station and go on the roller coaster. I had a hard time trying to make her follow me.
Oliver was nowhere to be seen. I guess carnivals arent exactly his type of places so he should be sitting somewhere.
"Hey Sexy, whats up?" A man slid his arm on my shoulders.
I tried not to panick because Sarah was beside me and if I were to freak out,she will start fearing too.
"Get your hands off me. Im married,you fool." I pushed that idiot's hand off my shoulder.
"It doesnt matter. And I like my women fiesty. Come with me, I will bring you places." He placed his hands on my hips.
"I said get your hands off me!!!" I turned to face him and slap him but he caught my hand.
He run his hands down my hand and I felt so disgusted.
"Olly!!!" I saw Sarah shout pointing at Oliver who was staring hard at the man holding my hand.
Oliver walked towards me and I got a spasm of courage in me,knowing that Oliver is here to protect me.
Oliver yanked me towards him with an immense force that my hand was released from the man's grip.
"She is my f**cking wife." Oliver gave a deathly glare and punched him in the face. The man who seemed well-built fell onto the ground.
The security guards from the carnival came in time to disperse the crowd gathering.
I was hugging Oliver tightly, crying onto his chest and Sarah was also crying as she saw Oliver's anger for the first time.
"Lets get back home." Oliver said with his jaws still tightened.
This time in the car, Sarah sat with Oliver in the front as I was still not okay after that incident.
I was embarrassed by the whole event. I felt so disgusted.
Once we reached home, I ran up the master bedroom and locked the door. It just felt like my chasity was deemed to be cheap. I wasnt emotionally well enough to go out and have food or whatsoever.
I texted Nivera to not call me and dumped my phone in a corner.
I heard the room door being unlocked by the keys and knew it was Oliver coming in. So I hid my face into my blanket, not interested to face him.
I felt the other side of the bed sink in as a weight was placed on it.
"Nat, stop pretending to be asleep." I heard Oliver's voice.
Oliver is actually talking to me!!
I removed the blanket from my face and saw that Sarah was sleeping beside me.
I looked up Oliver's blue eyes and looked down again in humilation.
"Its not your fault that a**hole laid his hands on you. Stop beating yourself up over it." Oliver walked towards me and sat down beside me.
I immediately hugged Oliver.
"Oliver, Im sorry." I embraced him more tighter.
"Maybe you and Giovanna should stop the act you guys are putting up through Sarah. My sister isnt someone you can trust to follow plans." Oliver hugged me back tightly.
"Wh..What??!! How you knew that?" I stared at him.
Oliver took out his phone and showed Giovanna's tweet which read : "Sarah comes to the rescue!! #OllyNat #lovebirdsintrouble" and a photo she posted on Instagram with Timothy captioned as "Private time with ♡".
I laughed my heart out as I saw how Giovanna herself has unveiled the plan. Oliver laughed along.
"Sorry Natalie!! I love you." He stopped my laughter with a deep passionate kiss starting from my neck to my lips.
YAY!! They are together!!!!
Im still thinking if I should make Natalie pregnant in this story.

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