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I was rushing through my breakfast as I overslept after an eventful night yesterday. The main door of the mansion opened with a bang that I choked on my scrambled eggs.
"Hey,you okay there?"I heard Noah's voice from the back.
"Yup." I replied as I chugged some water.
Behind Noah, a totally lethargic Oliver walked into the house.
Oliver was looking intently at me and so was Noah.
"Why do you have a bandage in your hand and a plaster on your head? I remember dropping you back at home safely." Noah reacted first walking towards me and holding up my injured hand.

I swear,at the moment,I could feel Oliver's stare on me.

I casually removed my hand from Noah's grip , pretending to adjust my hair.

"Nothing." I walked to the dinning table to clear it.
"Jonathan,can I have you in now itself ?" Noah and I turned upon hearing Oliver's demanding voice on the phone.

The security guard came running into the house.
"Yes,sir?" He stood infront of Oliver with a submissive posture.

"What happened when I wasnt around at home?"

"Sir, a robber entered the house and attacked your wife when she tried to stop him. But the police arrived in time and nabbed him." Jonathan seemed to be shivering at Oliver's glare.

"What do you mean by a robber entered a house? Why wasnt I informed about it?" Oliver seemed to relentlessly question the poor guy.

"You didnt pick up the phone when I tried and your wife told me that she will inform you." Jonathan spoke looking at me fearfully.

"Go back to your work." Oliver dismissed Jonathan.

After Jonathan left,Noah and Oliver were looking at me like I had grown another head. Just that,Oliver was staring at me.

"When were you planning to tell me this? Or were you intending to totally hide this incident from me?" Oliver's words stung me immensely.

"Oliver,I didnt want to stress you more yesterday night. I intended to tell you today actually." I responded quickly.

"She has a point,Oliver. You were already so worked up yesterday. And Nat,Harry is back to his house. Oliver appointed some nurses to take care of Harry till his last day. So,I guess things are abit better now. Everyone is slowly digesting Harry's condition. I truly admire how strong you are. I mean,its so hard to keep these all away from anyone when its eating you up. But still,you kept your word to Harry.Hats off,Nutsy!!" Noah patted my back.
Oliver rolled his eyes and walked up to the master bedroom.
"Just that, Oliver is still furious." Noah added.
"I deserve his wrath,Noah. Its my fault." I picked up my handbag to leave for work.

"Let me drop you." Noah ushered me into his car.
"Hey!! Want to meet for lunch ? XX - Giovanna"
" Yeah sure :D - Natalie"
So I was heading to the nearest restaurant to meet Giovaana. It was kind of sudden that she wanted to meet me, Im wondering if there is any problem surfacing.
When I entered the restaurant, I spotted Giovanna sitting there in all of her crimson glory. Crimson seemed to look great on her since she had a fairer complexion than Oliver's slightly tanned skin.
"Whats up , Gi?" I gave her a warm hug.
"Just want to talk with you about something. But lets first order our food first. And why do you have a bandage?" She passed the menu to me.
"An accident. But lets get our food first" I flipped open the menu.
After we both ordered Agilo Ogilo pasta along with our cups of Latte and Green Tea.
"Natalie, is there any issue between you and Oliver? Cause I heard Noah talking to Oliver about understanding your situation and stuff. Whats wrong?" Giovanna looked directly into my eyes showing how serious she was.
"Gi, the issue is that I knew about Harry's condition earlier."
"WHAT?!!!" Giovanna covered her gaping mouth with her hands.
"Trust me, Gi. I didnt tell that to you or Oliver only because Harry made me promise that I would not. I understood his intentions to just see his children live happily without any worries during his last days. Thats why I didnt tell Oliver or you anything about this. I didnt have any ill intentions like Oliver thinks." I explained.
Giovanna seemed like she was internalising whatever I just told her.
After about a minute or two, she spoke:
"So,thats the issue between you and Oliver?" She slowly asked me as I took a sip of my green tea.
"Yes, Oliver refuses to talk to me. He is ignoring me. I tried to tell him my point of view but he isnt letting me talk." I had a few tears rolling down my cheeks.
"It hurts so much, Gi. To have your husband ignoring you when you need him. He didnt even bother asking me how am I after seeing all these wounds and even after he knew a robber entered our house yesterday night. I didnt mean to cause him any pain. But he is just..." I accidentally blurted the robbery part as I got emotionally overwhelmed.
"Robber? Oh my god, are you okay? Did the police catch him?" Giovanna panicked.
"Yes, the police came before the robber could escape."
"Thank god. And Oliver didnt even bother asking you how are you? What the hell!!" Giovanna looked shocked.

I nodded my head not wanting to answer.

"You know what, my father wanted us all to be happy and if he comes to know of what Oliver is doing, he would not be happy and his health will deteriorate more.Oliver is doing exactly what he shouldnt be. Now, I will help you in this matter discreetly. I know my brother best in situations like this." Giovanna sounded determined.
"Thank you,Gi."
"No problem ,babe!! Im your sister-in-law after all!!" Giovanna flashed me her broad smile.

Giovanna comes to the rescue again!! But will Oliver reconcile with Natalie!!??
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Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now